Safe harbor (Side)

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Reyes: SDF destroyers engaged a critical port operations outpost. A squadron of friendlies is defending, but they need reinforcements. Lets deploy and disable those destroyers. If we lose that outpost, we can't get resources into the lunar gateway port

(Reyes, Salter, Player, Price, Soap, Roach, and Ghost head to the hangar and hop into their jackals)

(Reyes hops into his upgraded prototype skelter)

Salter: We'll encounter heavy resistance on this one

Player: I'm counting on it

Reyes: We'll be putting the Ret into the crossfire here

Salter: Gator's got the conn. Weapons are armed

Price: It's in good hands

Reyes: You ready for a dogfight?

Ghost: All day

Salter: Can't wait

Gator: Captain. Lieutenant. Be advised, SATO jackals are taking heat. We're jumping directly into the fray

Reyes: Copy that. We'll need fire support from the Retribution

Gator: Aye sir

Salter: Tell them the cavalry's coming

Gibson: Scars, 141, tower advises caution due to stray debris

Reyes: Check one one

Salter: Check one two

Soap: Check 141

Roach: (Thumbs up)

Gibson: You are all locked for go

Reyes: Roger

Gibson: Launch in 3...2...1...

(Everyone takes off in their jackals and they all fly to a satellite near earth with the Retribution and other UNSA pilots following close behind)

(There is a dogfight between SDF and SATO pilots)

Reyes: Port ops outpost. 12 o clock

Gator: Multiple SDF capital ships

Salter: We've got skelters

Player: Not for long

Reyes: Retribution, hit those destroyers with everything you've got. Scars, 141, iron's hot. Lets strike

Price: On you, Reyes

(Everyone flies into the dogfight guns blazing)

Pilot: What are you all doing here? We got this

(The pilot's jackal gets hit by a missile and blows up)

Player: Hate to break it to ya, but you do NOT got this, buddy

Soap: Focus fire on those skelters!

Ghost: I'm trying!

(The Retribution uses it's heavy cannons to blow up a destroyer)

Salter: Player, Reyes, lay into that destroyer!

Reyes/Player: Check

(They both go in for a missile run, blowing up the destroyer)

Gator: Splash! Good hits on both destroyers. One more to go

Reyes: My squad, direct fire on the remaining destroyer

Price: On it

Salter: Lets knock this thing out

Soap: I've got eyes on an ace flyer

Player: Everyone focus on the destroyer. The ace is mine

(Everyone else focuses on the skelters and destroyer)

(Player gets into a dogfight with the SDF ace)

Ghost: I have lock. Firing missile

(Ghost hits the last destroyer with a missile, damaging it)

Salter: Keep hitting the destroyer! 141, you guys take out the skelters!

(Everyone splits up and does some damage to the SDF fleet)

Gator: Captain, the skelters are eleininated. The picture is clear

Salter: Good work everyone. Player, take down that ace. I'll cover you. Reyes, box him

Reyes: Gator, what's your status?

Gator: Maintaining sir

Reyes: Need help?

Gator: Negative. Stay in it sir

Reyes: Roger

Player: Lets see if you can handle one of these

(Player swings their jackal around and hits the ace with a bast from their jackal's heavy cannons)

(The SDF ace explodes mid air)

Player: Gotcha

Salter: Solid shot, Player. Lets not leave brass in the chamber on this. We can't lose that outpost

Reyes: Lets sweep up

Soap: We're having some trouble with this destroyer!

Ghost: Too many cannons!

Reyes: Moving in to assist

(Reyes flies above the SDF destroyer, distracting the turrets)

(Price launches a missile at the destroyer, blowing it up)

Price: Beautiful

Gator: The final destroyer is down

Pilot: Thanks for the assist. We'll take it from here

Gator: Zone is clear of enemy aircraft. Station is secure

Reyes: And the outpost is still in allied hands

Player: I'd call that a win

Salter: Thanks for the help, 141

Soap: No worries

Ghost: Feel free to keep calling me up, love

Gator: Looks like we have some aces of our own up here

Salter: Sure do

Reyes: Mission accomplished, lets get off the X. Fever, take us out

Gator: Tower is set for jackals. Bridge out

(Everyone flies in their jackals back to the Retribution)

Salter: Tower, this is one two, scars and 141 are on approach

Gibson: Roger. Jackals are clear for landing

Reyes: Gears out for landing

Price: Touching down

Gibson: Good landing, everyone. Welcome back

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