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Lucy's POV:

The smell of disinfectant spray wafts into my nose. Where am I? I keep my eyes closed because I can feel the light burn on my face, and everything hurts. My head, my boobs, my back, my stomach, everything. I manage to pry my eyes open, The light around me engulfs my vision as if I'm in heaven. I blink a couple of times as my eyes adjust to the heat of the light.

I feel like I'm choking on the air when my hand grazes my bump. The baby, There's barely a bump. The room echoes against the walls with a loud and fast beeping. My body tenses right as I bring myself up. A sharp pain shoots through my chest. A hand grabs my shoulder

"Lucy," My mom's hands moved my hair out of my face, her brown eyes on me. A wetness streams down my face and I can't breathe. Her hands grasp my face to make me look at her, "Baby, calm down."

"Mom!" my head shakes back and forth in her hands, "Where's my baby? My baby! I need my baby! Someone took my baby!" I feel my hands grasping hers, squeezing them while I choke on my tears.

My attention breaks from her face when a doctor, a group of nurses and my dad run in. The nurse moves my mom out of the way and starts messing with the needle sticking out from my hand. My fingers grasp the cord, trying to rip out the needle. I need my baby. Another nurse comes and grabs my arm, stopping me from ripping the needle out of my arm.

I break out into a sob, "W-Where's my baby!"

"Miss Jameson," I hear the doctor say, "the nurses here are going to inject you with some pain medication to help ease any pain you feel." I look for him, but the nurses start messing with things and I can't focus. I turn my head to see a nurse slipping a needle into the IV.

After a few minutes my head feels foggy. My eyelids grow heavy, like rocks are sitting on my head, "I just want my baby," I barely whisper. Another hand gently rubs on the side of my face.
"He's ok I promise," a voice whispers right as everything fills with darkness.


Clicking. Feet clicking on the ground, a snap from some type of buckle. That's what breaks me out of my sleep. Not entirely, but it startles me.

    "How's my sweet little grandbaby?" It's my dad. What is he doing here?

More shuffling and a soft grunt fills the silence. My eyes stay closed and the heat from the light beats on my face.

"He's doing great," Harrison's deep voice sounds strained. Tired.

    "If you want he can stay with us for the next couple of days. Let you rest and stuff, " my mom's flat voice says breaking the eerie silence. Well beside this consistent beeping sound. What the fuck is that anyway? It's annoying as hell.

"Thank you," his voice breaks, "Um, how's she doing?" You know that feeling when you just know someone's eyes are on you? It's dreadful and I hate it. Maybe I should just open my eyes to figure out what the hell happened.

"She woke up this morning for about five minutes, but they gave her a sedative." Nevermind I need to snoop.

My dad starts speaking, "The lawyers called, they've set a date for the trial." Lawyers? What the hell happened?

"Already?," confusion floods Harrison's voice, "Speaking of, they called me and they still want her to testify."

"Are you fucking serious!?" my dad's voice gets louder.

A slap echoes in the room,"Robert you're gonna wake up Lucy and the baby!" I open my eyes slightly and see the three of them standing at the end of my bed, all wearing moody looks, and Harrison is cradling something small. Is that? My hands go down to my bump, but I'm met with a flat surface.

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