"You will tell me everything"

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*3 weeks after that night*
    "Ok kids!" I said smiling, "Put your crayons in the coloring bins on your table and line up at the door, so we can go to recess!" All the kids started screaming in excitement and rushing to put their things away. One by one all of their littles bodies lined up in front of my door fidgeting in excitement.

    "Who remembers what we're supposed to do when we go out in the hallway?" I asked all of my first graders. Josie, the sweetest kids I had ever met, raised her hand. "Yes, Josie?"

    She put her hand down,"You put your hand on hip," all of her peers' eyes landed on her, "And your finger on your lips." Everyone followed what she was doing as I smiled.

    "Great job, Josie," I clapped and headed to the door. She smiled and looked down at her feet. "Ok kids follow the line leader," I said and they began to walk out the door. We walked the halls until we reached the doors that lead outside.

I opened the door and let the littles one walk out and followed behind them. When they reached the playground they all went into their own groups. Another class was out playing when mine got out here. I walked to the park bench and sat beside Taylor, my favorite coworker, who was watching her class.

    "Hey!" I said as I sat down beside her. She turned her head and smiled.

    "Hey! I have something to tell you," she said excitedly, "Apparently Charlotte is moving out of state because her husband was cheating on her!" I opened my mouth in shock.

"Seriously?" she nodded her head and smirked.

"And the girl her husband had an affair with was our age," she stated. My mouth stayed open in shock.

"Uh, finally I hated that bitch," I said and she nodded in agreement. She looked back at the kids to make sure no one was screaming or crying before turning back to me.

"So," she said curiously, "Any gossip from the magical world of Lucy Jameson?" I shook my head and she frowned.

"You are no fun. I get more gossip from my first graders than I do my favorite person in the whole wide world," she smiled sweetly.

"I thought your favorite person in the 'whole wide world' was Derek Shepard?" I questioned. She looked up and thought about it for a second.

"Nuh Uh!" she squabbled. I gave her a questionable look before she gave in. "Well you're my second favorite person." I laughed and looked at my watch, we still had twenty minutes left.

I looked at my kids and Taylor and I fell in a comfortable silence. We sat there for five minutes until Taylor spoke again.

"When's the last time you had sex?" she questioned and i looked at her in disbelief.

"That is none of your business!" I said, "especially when there are little ears all over!"

She scoffed, "They can't hear us," she looked around and then back at me, "But really how long?" I looked at her, noticing her eyes bleeding with curiosity.

I looked down and mumbled, "Three weeks." She slapped my arm, "Ow!"

"Are you serious!" I nodded and she turned her head, "Who?"

"His name was Harrison," I said quietly.

She nodded her head and thought really hard for her next question. "Was he good?" I slapped her arm and blushed.

"Oh my gosh taylor, I am not going into detail," I said as she laughed. I looked down at my watch and realized it was time to go. "Oh look at the time! Guess I can't tell you." She snickered and I got up to gather my kids.

As my class headed inside she followed behind me, "You will tell me everything." I shook my head as I felt a tug on my hand. I looked down to see one of my students.

"What are you going to tell Miss Wallen?" I blushed.

"Nothing honey. Now put your finger on your mouth," I said as he nodded and turned his attention back to the line.

Oh what am I gonna do?

*** 3 more weeks later***

    Taylor and I were sitting in the teacher's lounge talking when we saw Charlotte walk in.

    "I thought you said she left," I whispered to her.

    "I thought she did," she whispered back, eyeing charlotte. Charlotte both looked at us knowing that we were talking about her. I looked back at my lunch waiting for her to leave, but i could feel her glaring at the both of us. I picked at the peanut butter crackers when Charlotte sat in front of me.

    "Hello ladies," she said in a snarking way. I looked up at her as she took her lunch out of her blue and pink lunch box.

    "Hi," I squeaked out. It wasn't that I was terrified of her, it was that I hated her. On my first day she told me i wouldn't make it becasue i was about as dumb as a rock. Taylor mumbled a hello and went back to eating her salad. We all sat in silence until the awful smell filled up the room.

    "What is that smell?" I questioned, bringing up my hand to my nose, trying not to puke.

    "What are you talking about Lucy?" Taylor asked while Charlotte gave me a questionable look. I looked around to see what it was when I got another whiff of it, making me want to puke out my stomach. Before I could even get another word out I ran to the bathroom connected to the lounge and threw up my lunch in the toilet.

    After I managed to stop puking what I had barely eaten, I laid against the walk clenching my stomach. I wasn't surprised that I threw up just because I had been doing it all weekend.

    "Knock, Knock," Taylor said as she walked into the bathroom. I looked up at her and by the face she was making, I could tell I looked awful.

    "It's not as bad as it looks," I said to her, still sitting on the floor.

    "It looks pretty bad to me, hon," she said and she handed me a water bottle. I took slow sips before I put the cap back on the bottle.

    "Thanks," she nodded her head and put her arm out so I could stand up. I grabbed her arm and slowly stood up, hoping that I wouldn't get dizzy.

    "You need to go home, but before you do go to the doctor," she said leading me out of the teachers lounge, "Also don't worry about getting a sub, I already told Mrs. Howells and she said to leave and get better." I nodded and smiled. When we reached my classroom I grabbed my car keys and purse.

    Instead of driving straight home I stopped by the doctor's office. I was jittery as I waited for my name to be called and I don't know why.

    "Lucy Jameson," the nurse yelled out, startling me. I got up and headed to the door. She weighed me and took my blood pressure before I was finally able to go into the patient room.

    I was playing on my phone when the doctor knocked and came into the room.

    "Hello Lucy," the doctor said, "I'm Doctor Mathhews." He held out his hand and I shook it. "It says here that you are getting dizzy, nauseous, and vomiting."

    "Yes, it's been happening since this past Saturday," I said. He nodded and looked at my papers.

    "Now this may explain your symptoms," he said as he put down my papers. "Lucy, when was the last time you had your menstrual cycle?" I looked at him in shock. I was supposed to start two weeks ago.

    "Um," I stuttered picking at my fingers, "I'm two weeks late." He nodded and put his hands together.

    "Well i'm still going to give you a test to make sure, but i'm pretty positive you're pregnant." He said as he stood up. I was in shock. I couldn't be pregnant I haven't even had sex recently. Then it dawned on me.

    I had sex with Harrison.


Longest chapter yet!! Now its getting juicy!! Next chapter coming soon. Comment and Vote!!
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