"Your house is very dull"

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I twisted the hospital band around my wrist as I paced around Jenna's living room.

"Lucy you need to relax," Jenna said. I stopped and frowned at her. Did she think I could just relax?

"I can't relax. It's my parents for god's sake," I said rubbing my temple, "They'll be here any minute."

Will had texted Jenna that he was on his way back with my parents, and I was freaking out. Harrison offered to get them, but I made him stay because my parents were particular with who I was friends with. Mainly my mom who has been nothing but a bitch to me since she divorced my dad.

I was in high school when I asked if I could stay with my dad on her weekend. She got pissed at me, yelled at me and blamed my dad for being a bad influence, and then told me to just go.

When I got to my dad's I cried that whole night. From that day we all just agreed that I was just going to live with my dad until I graduated.

And then when I told my parents that I was moving to Seattle, my dad was excited for me, but my mom was furious. Let's just say my parents haven't seen or talked to each other since I left for Seattle. My dad visits when his schedule lets him and my mom refuses to come out here.

Until now, which was shocking that they were both coming at the same time. I kept pacing when I heard the front door open. Harrison, Jenna and myself turned our heads in the direction of the hallway.

"Your house is very dull William," my mom said loudly. Her heels clicked against the hardwood and they got louder as she got closer. I started pacing faster, butterflies fluttering through my body.

"Lucille, what have I told you about pacing?" her voice echoed in the living room. My head shot in her direction.

The first thing I noticed when my mom came into view was how young she still looked,probably Botox. And her hair was still the same fiery red that I knew.

"Sorry," I said sitting down between Harrison and Jenna. She scoffed and shrugged off her blue overcoat. Will and my dad walked in, both holding suitcases.

"Dad!" I said sitting up and rushing to hug him. He sat his luggage down on the hardwood and gave me a tight squeeze.

"Hey bug," he said. I loved when he called me bug because I was named after his favorite Beatles song. After a minute he let me go, "How are you feeling?" Before I could answer my mom intervened.

"Robert, stop calling her that. She's not a child anymore." My mom stood there with her arms crossed.

I gave her a look and then hugged my dad once more, "I'm better. Doctor says it was just a dizzy spell from stress. I'm fine," I lied. Well partially. My mom scoffed as my dad gave me a hesitant smile as I walked back over to the couch and sat down.

My mom looked at her watch and then she scanned the room, "Now I have to go check into my hotel. You guys have Uber, correct?" she looked at her watch. Before I could answer Harrison stood up.

"Harrison Price ma'am," he held out his hand, "I'm Will's older brother and Lucy's.... Friend." My mom looked at his hand, annoyed because things aren't going according to her schedule.

"Meredith Matthews, " she said, looking down at his hand, "I don't do handshakes." His hand shot down and he looked at me.

His blue eyes looked over to me for permission. I nodded and he turned back to my parents. They both stood beside each other, arms crossed with blank expressions.

"Meredith," he said causing her to glare at him, "Ms. Matthew's I mean, and I mean no disrespect, but how could you be so insensitive? Your daughter just got out of the hospital, and all you care about is a fucking uber?"

My dad's face lifted into a smile, and I could tell he was trying hard to hold back his laughter.

"Lucille," my mom looked back at me, "Are you seriously going to let him talk to me like that?"

My smile that I had on my face fell and I looked down at my hands. Yes mother I will because he actually cares about me unlike some people.

"Lucille!" My mom yelled out when I stayed silent. I looked up at her and she was pissed. Her anger was showing through her botched botox job that she gets every three months.

"Mom calm down," I got up from the couch, "Let's go outside." I started walking when I realized that my mom was the only one following me. "Harrison, Dad, you too," I said before continuing outside.

The cold January air hit my face when I opened the door. I mentally scorned myself for not grabbing a coat before I walked out. I stood at the front of my house watching my dad close the door behind him.

Harrison walked over beside me, giving me his jacket earning him a glare from my mom. I thanked him silently and looked at the both of my parents.

My dad stood beside my mom with a smile on his face, "What do you want to talk about bug?" Harrison looked at me and I nodded. It was now or never.

"I'm pregnant," I said. My dad's smile fell and my mom's jaw dropped.

My dad looked at me then Harrison and then me again, "You're pregnant?" I nodded and watched the gears turn in his head.

That's when it clicked and his face turned red, "You got her pregnant didn't you?" Harrison nodded hesitantly, scared for my dad's reaction.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," my mom mumbled, "This is why you passed out isn't it?"

"I didn't think you cared, but yes that's why!" I rambled in anger, "Oh also my psycho ex-boyfriend broke into my apartment while I was there and tried to, I don't know, kill me!" I was furious. Maybe it's the hormones or maybe it's the fact that my mom is a complete bitch about everything!

My dad's face softened, "Oh honey are you ok?" I glared at him and rushed back into the house, making sure to slam the door in all of their faces.

I didn't mean to slam it into Harrison's face, but at this point I didn't care. Will and Jenna didn't say anything as I practically ran back to the guest room.

I locked the door and sat down on the floor placing my hands on my bump. The tears ran down my face and I began to sob.

Stupid hormones.

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