"Oh you know... Reasons."

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   My hand hit my alarm clock to turn the loud ringing off. I lifted my head up, looking at my bedside table, when the ringing didn't stop. My clock read "3: 37 a.m." so why in sweet baby Jesus's name is it going off? 

    I hit my alarm clock again when I realized that it was my phone ringing. I yanked my phone off of its charger and accepted the call without looking.

   "Hello?" I answered tiredly.

   "B-b-baby," someone slurred over the line, "I miss you." The person sounded either drunk, high, or both, and from what I could make out, the person was a guy.

     My eyes opened wider and I sat up, "Who is this?" I turned the small black knob on my lamp, illuminating the room.

      "Baby," the guy said, "How could you forget me?" I pulled the phone away from my ear; the caller ID said unknown.

     "I think you have the wrong number," I said back, hanging up.

     Before I could turn my light off I heard a loud banging on my door. Paul's little head lifted up from the end of the bed, looking in the direction of the front of my apartment.

     "What the?" I said with a mixture of tiredness, fear, and frustration. It's three in the goddamn morning and I have work in less than three hours!

      I pulled the covers off my body and got out of bed. My feet hit the cold hardwood floors as I walked softly out of my bedroom. The knocking got louder and louder the closer I got to my front door.

      Before I went to the door I grabbed a steak knife out of the kitchen and held it close to my body. When I made it to the door the knocking stopped

    The peep hole on was lower for my five foot five self, so I bent my knees slightly, making sure not to stab myself.

     My heart stopped. Braden stood outside my door with a large glass bottle of some sort of alcohol and his phone.

    "Baby I know you're there!" He yelled out, making me jump back away from the peephole. I quickly walked to my room, and the knocking started again. The thing that was different is that it was more like he was trying to break in.

    Paul was laying on my bed asleep as I locked my bedroom door. I pushed my desk against my door making sure that if he made it into the apartment at least I was somewhat safe.

        My phone was still laying on my bed, so I grabbed it and dialed 9-1-1. I heard a loud crash as I lifted the phone to my ear.

      "Oh baby come out!" Braden screamed, "I know you're here!" The phone kept ringing and my hands started to shake.

     I grabbed Paul and walked into my closet. I heard crashing all around my apartment when the line clicked.

     "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" A woman said.

    "Hi," I quietly said, "Someone broke into my apartment. I'm in my closet with my cat and I'm pregnant and scared."

   "Ok," she said, "Can you tell me your address?"

   I pushed my dresser against my closet door and it got quiet, "Yeah I live at LoveWood Apartments. I live on the third floor, room 328."

   "Are you hurt?" She asked me. I mumbled out a no listening to see if Braden was still here.

   "Darling the police are on the way, do you still know if the intruder is still in your apartment?"

    "I'm not sure," I said, "I'm sitting against my dresser, which is pushed against my closet door, and it's been quiet for a minute."

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