"Out of all the places, Oregon?"

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Lucy's POV:

Jenna takes a sip from her mint-chocolate milkshake, staring me dead in the eye.

Her head lifts away from the glass and she sits back, her arms folding over one another,"I can't believe you agreed to the baby shower."

"I can't believe you wear handcuffs during sex," her face goes red before she throws her head back laughing. I pick up the french fry out of my basket, amused with myself.

"I can't believe he told you that," she hide her face with her hands, laughing, "Pregnancy is making you a ruthless woman," she laughs, stealing a fry from my basket, "I love it."

"I can't believe you never told me!!" I shake my head laughing, "you know I would never kink shame, remember that time when I-"

She throws a fry at me, cutting me off, resulting in us laughing our asses off, and making everyone in the diner stare at us.

I go to grab my grilled cheese, my phone buzzes twice against the table. I pick it up and see that Grant and Kimberly texted me. I opened Kimberly's text first.

Kimberly (H's mom): Hey! We're able to get the caterer 🤗 See you tomorrow!!

That's good. For the past week-and-a-half, we've been planning everything out, which is more fun than I thought, until yesterday, when Harrsion suggested we do a caterer at the last minute.

"How's baby shower planning going?" Jenna asks, and I set my phone down, not able to read Grant's text.

"Good, I think. I'm supposed to go over to their place tomorrow after work, and pick out some last minute things before Saturday. From what we've got together, it's not as bad as I thought it would be."

Jenna nods and takes another sip from her milkshake, "That's great! Kim's the best in the business, but I'm biased since she's my mother-in-law."

When I get in my car I pull my phone out of my pocket and open Grant's text.

G-money: i'll be in town saturday morning around 10, lunch when I get there?

Me: I have plans all day, can we do lunch sometime next week?
I watch the three little bubbles pop up right away and then disappear for a second.

G-money: can't I have meetings all week, what r ur plans?

Me: baby shower

G-money: ah... what time? Saturday is the only day i'm free

I think about it for a second on whether or not I should invite him. I lean back against my seat and give a quick thought. Do I talk to Harrison about it first? We already went over the guest list, but he also said I could invite anyone I wanted. Plus what's so bad about having one more person? I send Grant the address and time, set my phone down in the passenger seat, and leave the diner.


When I open the door, I see Ev sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I set my keys and purse down on the table, and close the door behind me.

"Hey Ev," I kick off my shoes, and attempt to bend down to grab them, but that wasn't happening. I leaned down trying to get them but I could barely get my arm past my knees. Am I really getting that big? I stand up and look down, my hand under my bump.

I can see part of my pink socks. Part! Oh my god, I can't see my feet! Am I going to have to start squatting to get shit? I fucking hate squats, they hurt and fail at making my ass look good.

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