"He's such an assho-"

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"So..... let me get this straight," Jenna says over the phone, "You didn't tell Harrison you were having nightmares, but he found out the other night because your hot cop of a roommate called him panicked. And he's been ignoring you, but now you have to go to brunch... at his parents."

"Hmm, yeah sounds about right," I swipe my mascara onto my eyelashes. I agreed to this brunch before. When everything was starting to get good between me and Harrison.

"Honestly," she says, letting out a breath, "This hoe doesn't need to be all up in your business. You are a grown woman who can handle this shit yourself, plus you've already told other people about it soooo..." Jenna stops and starts yelling, "Will, I'm going to slap the shit out of you if you keep mumbling shit!!!..... That's what I thought. Love you more."

She stops yelling and starts doing something, but I can't tell, "I swear Harrison's gonna get throat punched when I see him. He needs to grow a pair and stop acting like a five year old throwing a freaking tantrum. Gah, even Cate acts better than this. If he's so worried about you and the baby, AND your stress levels, he wouldn't yell at you. He's such an assho-"

I cut her off, "Calm down woman! You're right. Remember he's your brother-in-law!"

She scoffs, "I don't give a fuck."

"We know," I laugh and grab my black high-top vans from the closet, "Is it raining outside?"

"When is it not raining?" Jenna laughs, completely changing her mood, "But no for once in goddamn history it is not raining, but it's fucking cold so, wear something warm."

"Thanks for the warning," she grumbles over the phone and starts yelling again. Apparently Will doesn't want to go to his parents house for this brunch. Jenna tells him to suck her big toe and get his pants on... and then some very explicit things get said so I hang up. I do not need to hear about the shit they do.

Me: see u @ brunch 😚
Heartless Bitch: kk! Mayyy be a lil late tho ;)

I start laughing and read the time on my phone, before setting it down on my dresser. I look in the mirror and turn to the side. This whole pregnancy thing is so surreal. Like it's actually happening. The one thing that fucking sucks about being pregnant is that I had to squeeze into my jeans. My favorite pair of jeans too!

But I managed to put on the light-washed mom jeans without making me feel like I'm suffocating. Granted I may have to un-do them after I eat. My phone buzzes against the mahogany. I lean over and grab it.

Unknown: i miss you baby

Who in the actual fu- my phone buzzes again.

Unknown: you also look very sexy
Unknown: yellow is definitely your color
*one attachment*

I click the photo and stumble back. It's a picture of me facing the window, but my focus is on the mirror. Who the heck just texted me? My head shoots up to my window. Nobody was outside. I quickly sit down on the bed and slip on my shoes. My head stays glued to the window as I tie my laces together. Before I get up I dial Ev's number.

"Hello darlin'," his southern accent answers.

"Are you busy right now?" worry spills in my voice.

"Nuh uh," he shuffles around, "what's the ruckus?"

"It's not good Ev," I tense up still looking through the window.

"What's happened?"

"I got this really creepy text. I- I don't know who it's from." I get off and my bed and grab Paul who was sitting beside me.

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