"I like the way you talk"

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     It's been exactly one week since I told Harrison that I was pregnant. When I got to work on Monday, Taylor immediately knew something was up.

     She kept asking me until I finally gave in and told her. I was a mess and broke my goal of not crying so much during the day. Taylor told me that everything would be ok and that it was good that I told him when I did.

It was now Thursday night and I was watching a rom com on Netflix when someone knocked on my door. I paused the movie and got up, waking up Paul in the process.

The person kept knocking and I figured it was Mrs. Wilkins, my neighbor, knocking to see if i had stupid sugar.

"Mrs. Wilkins, please stop I don't have sugar," I screamed out loudly before I opened the door. It wasn't Mrs. Wilkins. It was Harrison. And he was standing there with a grocery bag.

"You're not Mrs. Wilkins," I stated. He gave me a puzzled look.

"Uh, yeah, last time i checked i don't have a vagina," he said. I gave him a disgusted look.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, "Last time I checked I never told you where I lived."

"Oh! Right," he said, "Um, I asked Jenna and she was all like 'No I can't' but then i was like, 'I'll give you THE picture' and she gave in and gave it to me." I was super confused, but also was going to talk to Jenna about giving information that didn't need to be shared.

"That doesn't explain why you are standing outside my door right now," I said, crossing my arm across my chest. He coughed and wiped his hands on his pants.

"R-right," He stuttered, "I wanted to talk, about you know, the baby." I nodded and suddenly a rush of nerves ran through my body. Was I ready for this?

    Before I could respond he lifted up the grocery bag that he was holding, "I brought Ice Cream!" I smiled and opened my door and motioned him to come inside. He returned the smile and walked right in.

   "You can set it on the counter right there," I said, pointing to the counter, as I closed the door. He got quiet and I heard the bag clink against the counter.

   When I turned in his direction I saw him holding my sonogram. He took off his glasses, that I never noticed him wearing, and sat them on the counter.

    "Um," he said quietly, "Do you have any extras?" I nodded and headed over to my purse, pulling out the extras I was given.

    "Here you go," I said, handing him the picture I just tore off. He smiled and whispered a thank you.

    As he looked at the picture, I opened my cabinet and grabbed out two bowls for the both of us. I sat them on the counter, pulled out the scooper, and grabbed two spoons.

   "Ice cream?" I asked holding out the bowl of freshly scooped ice cream. His attention averted to me. He reluctantly took the bowl from my hand and walked over to one of the island stools.

After I finished fixing my bowl, I put away the ice cream and went and sat beside him. We silently both ate our ice cream, the only sound being the spoon clinking against the bowls, before he began speaking.

   "So how far along are you?" he asked me. I put down my spoonful of ice cream and wiped my mouth.

   "I'm nine weeks," I said lifting my spoon back into my mouth.

   "When's your next doctor appointment?" he asked. I dropped my spoon back into the bowl.

  "What is up with all these questions?" I asked, now frustrated, "It's like you want something to do with the baby." He sat his spoon dropped forcefully in his bowl and he looked at me.

   "Maybe it's because I do, Lucy," he said in an angry tone, "Maybe it's because I have been conflicted over the past week if i really want to be apart of something I made." He stood up and walked to the sink, setting his bowl in it. His back faced my view and I noticed his hands clenching the edge of the counter.

    I started crying. It was quiet at first until it turned into ugly sobs and turned back to me, noticing I was crying. He sighed and came over to me before pulling me into a hug.

I sniffled, "Sorry, It's the hormones." He let go of me which allowed me to wipe the tears off my face.

He gave a small smile, "It's ok, but I think i'm going to go ahead and leave."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," I got up from my seat and headed towards the door to walk him out. "Thank you for coming over," I said, opening the door and handing back his glasses that he left behind on the counter.

"It's nothing," he said, "Also thanks for this. It means alot." He was holding up the sonogram I had given him earlier. I smiled and he walked out the door. When i closed the door i let out a breath that i didn't realize i was holding and slid against the door, my butt hitting the cold hardwood.

What was I going to do?

Harrison's POV:

She was really pregnant. When I saw the sonogram I realized that this was all real. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to break it to my parents that I got one of my one night stand's pregnant. They would absolutely kill me, more like Jenna is going to kill me.

On my way home I got paged and had to turn around to the hospital. Now I really don't have time to think.

   The bright light of the illuminating "Seattle Memorial Hospital" shined on my windshield as I turned into the employee parking lot.

    When I parked, I grabbed my work bag out of the back seat of my all black Range Rover. As I was walking up to the hospital entrance I could tell that we were busy, meaning a very long night.

    I waved hello to Jared, the hospital officer, as I headed into the break room. I opened the door to find Jay and Elise. They were typing away on their laptops not noticing that I had walked in.

    I threw my things into my locker and grabbed my blue scrubs hanging on the hanger. Most of the time I come to the hospital dressed, but I didn't have time, so now I'm changing at work. I quickly threw on my scrubs and put on my white lab coat. I checked my watch and saw that it was midnight. I headed out of the break room and straight to the OR.

   I pushed open the OR doors and scrubbed down my hands, put on my mask, glasses, and surgical cap while the nurse put on my surgical gown. The senior physician that I am under was already performing the surgery when I arrived.

  "Price, you're late," he said in a deep tone.

  "I understand Dr. Hawkins," I said back, grabbing some clamps, "But yell at me later so right now can we save this patient."

   "I like the way you talk, Price," he said back in a playful tone. The patient we were performing on had internal bleeding in her abdomen due to a car accident.

   It took around two hours to finish and make sure there wasn't anything else going wrong before we closed her up. I was disposing of my gloves and gown when Dr. Hawkins came up to me.

  "Where were you?" he asked me.

   I continued with what I was doing, "Something came up and I was on the other side of town when I got paged, trust me I got here as fast as I could." He nodded and walked away. It was now three thirty and I was exhausted.

   The hospital wasn't as busy as it was when I first showed up. When I got back to the break room I sat down on the couch and pulled out the sonogram that I had slipped into my pocket.

   Was I ready for this? I'm barely through my residency, and the hours are long and gruesome and I don't know If I can do that to a child, or even to Lucy. I noticed a tear drop hit the picture of the sonogram, exactly where the baby was at.

Exactly where my baby was at.


So now we know how Harrison feels about he whole situation. Next chapter coming soon. Comment and Vote!!
Hope you enjoyed lovies :)

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