"Did you think I was a Stripper?"

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   When I first walked into Harrison's apartment I noticed two things. One it was super nice and everything looked expensive, and two it was so bland. Nothing hung up on the walls and it was so clean.

I handed Harrison my bags and let Paul out of his carrier, so he could roam around. "Your apartment is so bland," I blurted out. I covered my mouth with my hand realizing I said that out loud.

"I've only lived here for a couple of months," he said, "And I practically live at the hospital." I nodded. I knew he did something at the hospital, but I didn't realize he would sleep there.

He sat my bags down on his black leather couch and went into the kitchen. I followed him and sat down on a barstool as he looked in the fridge. I pulled out my phone and noticed my mom had texted me, which was rare.

"You hungry?" he questioned turning to look at me. I looked up from my phone nodded and focused my attention back to my mom's text.

Wicked Witch Of The West (MOM): Going to Disney with Anna and twins on Christmas. Can't visit.

"Are you serious," I mumbled under my breath so Harrison couldn't hear me. I shut my phone off and looked up.

Harrison was looking through his cabinets and groaned, "I'm just going to order some pizza," he told me, "I don't have anything to cook for us." He took his phone from off the counter and started typing away before he lifted up his phone.

"Yeah, hi can I order one large cheese pizza and one pinapple pizza?" he said over the phone. Pineapple? He likes pineapple. Disgusting. He then told them the address and hung up.

"Pizza will be here in 20 mintues," I nodded and got off the stool.

"I'm going to lay on the couch, I'm exhausted," I yelled out walking toward the living room. When I got to the couch I flopped down and sighed.

My life was falling apart. I'm staying the night with the father of my baby, a guy I barely know, my mom is being a bitch like always, and someone broke into my apartment.

I closed my eyes and rested my hands on my stomach. This was the first day in a while that I felt relaxed. My eyes shot open when I heard the doorbell ring.

I sat up and saw Harrison handing some cash to the delivery guy. He disappeared into the kitchen and later appeared with two plates full of pizza, a beer, and a glass of water.

"Here you go," Harrison handed me my plate full of cheese pizza and the water.

"Hmm," I moaned, taking a large bite out of the cheese pizza, "This is good." Harrison laughed at me while taking a bite out of his own, disgusting, piece of pizza. We ate in silence before he spoke.

"So," he sat his now empty plate on the coffee table, "What do you do?" I gave him a confused look, setting my own plate down.

"Elaborate," I said looking into his blue eyes.

"Like what is your job?" he asked me.

"Oh," my confusion vanished, "I'm a first grade teacher at Lovewood Elementary." He gave me this look of surprise. He was taking a sip of his beer when I said, "What did you think I was a stripper?" He choked on his beer and sat it down.

"No," he coughed, "I just didn't expect you to be a teacher to snotty kids." My mouth gaped open. I mean, yeah, they are snotty and can be gross, but they are so sweet and adorable.

"Well what do you do?" I replied.

"I'm a resident at the hospital," he told me, "I'm doing five years general surgery and then two years specialized so I can be a cardiothoracic surgeon."

"Wow!" was all I could say. That was cool, even though I only understood about one-fourth of it. He nodded and grabbed both of our plates from the coffee table.

"Do you want anymore?" he asked me before going into the kitchen. I shook my head. I was full and that was the first meal I was able to keep down in the past week. When he disappeared into the kitchen I laid back down on his couch. My eyes fluttered shut and I adjusted myself to be comfortable.

I wasn't fully asleep when I felt someone lift me off the couch. I didn't have the energy to open my eyes. I felt my body lay on something that was way more comfortable than the couch and a blanket was lifted over me.

"Goodnight Luce," was the last thing I heard before my body went to sleep.


Shorter chapter. Now Lucy and Harrison know a little about each other!! Next chapter coming soon. Comment and Vote!!
Hope you enjoyed lovies :)

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