"Are you fu- fudging kidding me?"

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Harrison's POV:

"Thank you for watching them," my mom practically pushes my three youngest siblings into my apartment, "Make sure they take their vitamins before bed. Cate needs to be in bed by nine-thirty. The boys can stay up as long as they are asleep by eleven. Understand." I nod expectantly. She gives me a concerning smile, lines creasing around her eyes.

"Mom, I've got this," my arms go out behind the three of them, "Right kids?" They all nod excitedly, mom's concern eases, but I know it's still there. Last time I watched them... Drew got his finger stuck in the park bench, Cate had a massive diaper explosion that was so bad I threw up, and Ernest was just chilling.

"Alright," she scratches the back of her head, "Well... my little babies I'll be back in two days. Be good." She leaves and Drew, Ernest, and Cate stand there waiting for me to close the door. I direct them into my living room and sit them on the couch. Cate is gripping tightly to her Paw patrol book bag, Drew is playing some game on his ipod and Ernest is holding a puzzle. Of course the kid is holding a fucking puzzle.

"I'm hungry!"
"Will you help me with my puzzle?"
"I need to poop!"

They all yell at the same time. Dear god. I stand in front of my tv, as they continue to scream demand after demand. How does mom and dad do this? How the fuck am I supposed to do this when the baby arrives. I've always liked kids, but I'm for sure not good at watching them.

I hold my hands up and look down, "Woah! Slow your rolls," I point to Cate, "Go to the bathroom, I don't need another poop explosion." She giggles and runs to my bathroom, leaving her bag alone on the couch. My arms crossed against my chest and I let out a deep breath.

"What kind of pizza do you guys want?" Drew looks up from his Ipad, Ernest looks quietly down at the puzzle.

"I want cheese," Drew loudly declares before focusing back to whatever game he's playing.

"Ok," I nod and pull my phone out, "Ernest what kind of pizza do you want?"

"Cheese is fine with me," he mumbles quietly. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial the pizza place, watching Ernest mess with a sticker on his box.

"This is Jean's Pizza Palace, how can I help you?" a chirpy voice answers.

"Yes, can I have one large pineapple pizza and one large cheese pizza?" Drew's face scrunches up in disgust at the mention of pineapple while Ernest kicks his legs back and forth. I place my phone back down on the coffee table after telling the girl over the phone everything. Pizza will be here in thirty minutes, but to three kids thirty minutes is forever.

"Stop Ernest, I'm not doing your stupid puzzle" Drew holds his ipad to his chest.

"I said stop calling me that," Ernest huffs. What in the hell?

"Ernest. Ernest. Ernest," Drew sticks his tongue out. Ernest throws down his puzzle and jumps on top of Drew, hitting him anywhere he could. My first instinct is to let them fight it out, I mean that's what I did when I was younger, but then I'd get in trouble with my mom. She's a scary woman when she's pissed. Drew is now on top of Ernest trying to stop him. I grab Drew and throw him over my shoulder, leaving a pissed off seven-year-old clawing at my leg.

"Let him go!" Ernest yells from behind me as I walk down the hallway. I kick open my bedroom door, walk over to my large bed and plop Drew down.

"You," I point to him, my tone angry, "Stay here, you understand?" He nods and I walk out of my room. Ernest stands at the end of the hallway, his face red of anger.

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