🌸Chapter 24🌸

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Chapter 24:|: Catching up


Third pov

After Taehyung got breakfast with at the mansion, soon after he told Jungkook he wanted to head home. thirty minutes after the long drive he was finally home. Excited to see his hyung even though he saw him the other day.

Pushing the door open he saw something that made him froze.

Jin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung were kissing in the kitchen, almost eating each other. Jin was on the kitchen counter, hands cupping Namjoon's face as Namjoon had he hands securely placed around Jin's waist, both doing french kisses.

*Taehyung clears throat*

Namjoon and Jin eyes widen in shock and pulls away faster than Yoongi's rap.

"T-tae...w-when did you get back..?" Jin asked Jungshook at his sudden appearance,but playing it off like nothing happened. Freaking out mentally.

Namjoon on the other hand was just lost for words. 

"ummm..not too long ago actually..." Taehyung responded.

The air was filled with awkwardness.

"well i'll be in my room..you two carry on."

Before Namjoon or jin could say a word, Taehyung had ran up the stairs at lightning speed.

"well..that just happened."




Taehyung fell flat on his bed and rolled around. "I miss  you my precious beddy boo."

He then roam through his packets for his phone, as he went through his contacts for Jimin's number,hoping they could talk or hangout,maybe even both. After all,it's being a long time since they did that.


Contacts #:



-🐑Jin Hyung🐑-



-🐨Namjoon Hyung🐨-

-🐱Yoongi Hyung🐱-

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                                                                                   Taehyung: Hi hyung! 🤗

                     I miss you TT

Jimin: I miss you too tae bear~😘

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