🌸Chapter 35🌸

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Chapter 35: Mating

This chapter contains Mature context.


Third pov

Just has Jungkook was carrying Taehyung in bridal style, his mate (which he now knows of) was whimpering to his touch, just begin this close to him was making Taehyung submissive to him. His cry's turn into sweet moans, as he did so, saliva dripped from his lips as he was moaning his mates name to help him stop this heated feeling within his body.

Jungkook which was almost at his brink of control was slowly losing himself. His wolf was slowly taking control as he wanted to help his mate feel pleasure and no more pain. Jungkook had to stay strong though, he wanted to wait until he had gotten to his room, out of the clear and away from other wolves which were drawing into Taehyung's sweet and alluring hormones. He growled at any who stood his way.

After passing wolves and almost crawled(if he had took longer he would have lost control and did Taehyung then and there where ever they were) his way in his room, be made it. He was finally in his bedroom with his mate and lover in hand. 

He walked over to his king sized bed where he placed his whimpering and moaning of a mess Taehyung. He took slow steps back and looked at the figure which was on his bed, his mate in a moaning mess.

"Ju~Jungkook~" Taehyung whimpered.

"Don't worry baby, I'll help you~"

Without a moment to waste, Jungkook took all his cloths off, only leaving his boxers on within a flash, and hovered  over Taehyung's whimpering body.

He began to attack his pree's lips, sucking at them causing them to swell. Taehyung of course kissed back, moaning within every touch he got from Jungkook. He held onto Jungkook tightly, not wanting to let out. Jungkook enjoyed how his mate was clinging on to him, he felt good. He then bit his lips, causing his mate to open his mouth to slip his tongue in. Taehyung moaned at the alphas actions.

His kisses soon turn rough out of excitement from his wolf. He then began to attack his mates neck, kissing traveling all over to his collar bone, leaving bug bite in every spot he touched.

Taehyung was in so much pleasure. Even with so much he still needed more.

"Jungkook~ please~ put it in~" He whimpered in moan, wanting Jungkook to enter.

Jungkook stopped him self a little and asked if he was sure. I mean he didn't want to hurt his mate you know.

Taehyung nodded his head head 'yes' biting his lips. A "mhmm~" coming out.

Jungkook smirked and did has was told.

"as you wish love~"

He began kissing Taehyung's lips again, helping his mate remove his cloths, throwing them away to who knows where.

Jungkook pulled away, leaving Taehyung with saliva dripping from his lips. 

He slowly took of his boxers which cause a egg plant to sprout.

Taehyung's eyes traveled at the plant and licked his lips.

He slowly began to crawl over to Jungkook and went start for his produce, lips an and wet. Jungkook was taken back by this.

"Tae..what are you-

he was cut off as Taehyung had already landed on his plant. He began to lick and suck Jungkook off as he saw pre cum dripping of from the lip. He liked and liked, liking the taste of his mate on his lips and tongue.

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