🌸Chapter 17🌸

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Chapter 17 :|: All eyes on us


Third pov

The next morning Taehyung was already getting dressed for school. He was so excited to see Jungkook that he ended up waking up earlier the next day. (Damn love makes you go crazy.)

Not too long after Jin entered his room,expecting to see a sleepy Taehyung but instead was met with a already dress tae. "what is the world is happening right now?" he asked out loud. 

Taehyung chuckled at his hyung's comment. "what do you mean hyung?" he asked curious of his brother's sudden dramatic tone. 

"you never wake up this early. What's going on?" he kept asking.

  "Nothing's going on hyung..i just woke up earlier today." he defended himself.

"Really is that so?.." he gave a 'you're lying look'.

Taehyung noticed and kept denying the real reason.

"I'm tell the truth hyung~..." he wined

"you sure it's not because of that guy i didn't see his face that brought you home?"

my face brighten but i soon make it look like i wasn't. "I'm serious hyung~"

"okay okay. If you say so" He gave up

"I'll be meeting Jimin at school along with Baekhyun so see you at home or school hyung~"

"okay be careful"

and with that being said he left the house, closing the door behind me. He then turned around to to start walked to school but stopped once he saw a familiar car. it was a black Lamborghini.

"what the-" before he could finish his thought the window rolled down

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"what the-" before he could finish his thought the window rolled down. His eyes met with the dark-brown eyes of Jeon Jungkook himself.

"get in" was all he said before rolling them back up.

Taehyung just walked over to the car entering it without a thought.

"Good morning angel, miss me~" he said which made Taehyung's face lit up with bright red.

"yes.." was all he said not wanting to met the older's eyes fore he felt embarrassed.

Jungkook noticed it of course and smirked. "angel no need to feel embarrassed~" was all he said before his gaze was on the younger's lips.

Taehyung noticed this ang blushed even more. Jungkook mouth soon formed a smile. This of course caught Taehyung off guard. "he can smile?!..."

Taehyung blushed at the thought of the younger's smile. Knowing that he was the one who made it possible.

The car soon started to move as it drove along the road towards collage.

------Time skip------

Taehyung's pov

Before not too long the two pulled up in the drive through at the school's campus. Eyes were staring at the car and they wonder who was goanna come out. I was shocked by the stares that were on the car and soon the door began to open. Jungkook noticed I wasn't leaving the car so he left first and soon came walking towards my side. he opened the door and gave me a hand gestor for me to come out. Hi blushed at his sudden kindness.

I took his hand as I got out the car. our eyes met and soon we made our way inside the building. While walking I could scene eyes staring at use and to be honest i was nervous at first but soon I was okay since I had my hands held firm in Jungkook's.

While walking I could see Lisa at the corner of my eye and felt my saliva went down my throat, i gulped at her. She looked treating so I held onto Jungkook's hand tighter as he looked at me with worried eyes.

"are you okay" he asked eyes perching into mines.

I lied of course. "I'm okay let's head to class"

he turned away and soon we were in class.

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