🌸Chapter 51🌸

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Chapter 51: Tourter Her.

Third pov

"Now. What shall I do to you first." Jungkook's lips formed an evil smirk. Lias's heart sank as she looked into the eyes of her once so-called obsession. He was planing evil things to do her while she is tied up helpless. 

"Help...me....someone...Help me!" She cried out. Jungkook got up from crouching and walked over to the table not too far from where he was. He held out his hand over the table and took up a roll of duck-tape to cover her screams and a set of pliers to make a mess.

While taking his time over to her, Lisa was moving frantically, wanting to get out of this mess, a way from there and out. She's made a big mistake and now she will pay with pain. When he was done with her, she'll wish she was never born are set eyes on Jungkook in the first place.

"Hold her."

Namjoon and Yoongi walked over to her and held her firm. Even though she was tied up securely, the chair was moving a lot so he needed her kept steady and firm.

He took the duck tape he had in hand and started to real it out, taking a piece off to wrap around her mouth.

He stepped back a bit and smiled.

"This won't hurt as much a sit would now that you are in place."

He took the pliers in hand and hovered it open over her index finger, looking into her eyes as tears fell like rain on a stormy day, he clipped her nail and started to pull it out. Lisa's muffled scream was everywhere in the room. While Jungkook took the pleasure of taking her nail off, the slower the more the pain is felt.


When he had done taking off one of her nails he put it in a silver plate and smirked.

"That wasn't hard now was it?"

Lisa's face was a mess and looked messy. Not a sight to see.

"Shall we continue~"

Lisa yet again tried to move but was still held down, unable to move from her spot.

She shook her head from left to right, vice-Versa saying no.

Jungkook chuckled.

"I'll take that as a yes."

And so another fingernail was set to be taken.








"Well done~ all five on this hand are gone, shall we go to the next~"

Lisa was in so much pain. There was blood everywhere and her eyes were almost blood-red from all the crying she did.

Jungkook smirked more eviliy.

"Let's get-

He was about to say something but his phone started to ring.

He answered it not looking at the caller ID.


He was still in an evil mood.

"Koo? are you okay?"

The sweetest voice asked concerned for his mate.

"Taebear~ I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to answer you like that."

The way Jungkook spoke was like a duality switch is something, something mostly a psycho would do in this situation. Just now he was having fun pulling out Lias's nails, now he's happy to hear his mate's voice, sounding cute and innocent when the situation he's in isn't.

"I miss you~"

"I miss you too babybear~"

"Can I see you, I really miss you and need you right now."

"Okay baby, I'll be there in 20 minutes."


"Love you."

"Love you too~"


Jungkook turned around and yet again, his expression changed so quickly. 

"I have to go. We'll continue this later love."

"What should we do koo."

"mhmm...pull out her other nails for me. Make it as slow as possible so she wish she was dead instead. After all her toenails and five remaining fingernails are out, come back to the mansion."

"Yes Jungkook."

"Okay, I'm out."

NOTE-They drove the same transportation here but since there is an underground garage, he can use one of his other ars there to drive to the mansion.


What do you think? I'm trying to make this as detailed and steady as possible no Lias won't be gone just yet! Hope you enjoyed it!

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