🌸Chapter 5🌸

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 Chapter 5 :|: Do you want him or not?


Third pov

"Why do you wanna know who I was texting all of a sudden Jungkook. The last time I checked you're not the boss of me and you never really cared about the things I do, so why the sudden change of heart?", Baekhyun snapped, tired of his brothers demands and question that seemed quite strange of him all of a sudden.

"There's nothing wrong with me wanting to know what my dear brother is up too. It's just strange that you're trying to hide something from me and I wanna know what it is... that's all", Jungkook replied, acting like he cared for his brother. He was only interested in what he had in his phone.

"Well since I want you OUT of my room I guess it wouldn't hurt" He spoke wanting his brother to leave him be.

Jungkook Rolled his eyes by his brother's choice of words.

"Well, the person that I was texting was Taehyung" He finally let out.

Jungkook was now angry for some reason. Why did he cared if his brother was texting Taehyung. The guy who he didn't really notice at all and why the hell was he acting like that today at school.

Jungkook walked towards his brother giving a death-stare out of nowhere and said in his demanding Alpha voice. "Stay.Away.From.Taehyung.Little.Brother" 

Baekhyun was a little scared of his sudden change of attitude and the fact that his brother spoke in his Alpha voice today, TWICE may I had which he never really do.

It was rare for him to use his voice since he never really found the need to do it since everyone fared him. So why is he acting like this all of a sudden? Does he like Taehyung or something? Thoughts roamed in Baekhyun's mind and then he spoke, "Brother. You know I don't like to take things without permission so why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

Jungkook was now confused, why did his brother say that?

"If you want Taehyung you can have him, better yet I can help you get him", Baekhyun added with a cheeky smile.

"W-What are you talking about" Jungkook let out, caught off guard.

"I don't like him and he's not my type! Why are you saying these weird things to me all of a sudden!" Jungkook shouted, shocked by his brother's choice of words.

"I'm just saying~ I see how you look at us whenever I'm around him and even just now, how you use your Alpha voice when it's about him. You can't make things up when you add them all up bro" Baekhyun let out, defending his clam.

"I'm outta here" Jungkook left the room and closed the door shut behind him.

"To think my cold hearted brother, Jeon Jungkook would be so flustered at the thought of Kim Taehyung..~ Interesting in deed.."

"Good luck brother... you'll need it."

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