🌸Chapter 3🌸

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Chapter 3 :|: Meet My Childhood Friend



Third Point 0f View-

Eventually both boys arrived to class on time. When they entered the classroom they could see two empty seats beside each-other which was near a window at the back of the class. They both took their things and sat down, ready for the lesson. They talked and laugh but of course they had to do it quietly since their teacher was very strike when it comes to learning.

[After Class]

The bell rang signaling the end of class and it's now lunch time. They both walked through the door and headed for their lockers. Once they got there, Baekhyun told Taehyung that he sadly couldn't have lunch with him so he should go on ahead.

Taehyung of course was saddened by this but he kept on a smile and said. "It's okay, Next time then". Baekhyun could see that he was a bit saddened by this so he took few steps forward and kissed Taehyung on the forehead and said. "Sorry Taetae" and left. With that being said and done Taehyung was left in the halls with a red, hot blushing face.

After Taehyung finally got a hold of himself he quickly slap his face, causing him to snap out of the moment and headed for the canteen where Jimin would be waiting for him along with his friends.





They both ran hugging each-other like it's been years for them since they last saw each-other.

"Taehyungie are you ready to meet my fellow friends?" Jimin asked in a excited tone.

"I-I- I'm..I am" Taehyung spoke unsure.

Jimin noticed and hold his hand showing that it's okay. "It's okay Taehyungie, I am here plus They are really nice people...Trust me" Jimin stated trying to ensure Taehyung not to be afraid.

"Okay, I'm ready" He replied with his boxy smile.

Jimin smiled and took his hand leading him towards the table where they will be sitting and Where is friends where.

"Hey guys, I wanna introduce you to some-one" Jimin let out making every-One's eyes fall on Taehyung.

"Hello, I'm Taehyung, Jimin's childhood Friend." Taehyung let out small smile plastered on his face.

"Hi Taehyung nice to meet you" The red-head spoke with his sunshine smile.

"I'm Hoseok but my friends call my Jhope, feel free to call me either, nice to meet you" He stated and continued to talk, introducing the others who where either a sleep or not caring.

" sleepy head here is Yoongi but we call him Suga for short, he's the grandpa of the group,....but I guess you've met him as I'm told." He stated with a smile and continued on

"This here is Jungkook, the black-headed raven, he's the well let's say the hot-head" He let out a little chuckle when I stated that.

Taehyung on the other hand was losing his mind. This guy right here...right now...? why do I have to see him now of all times" Taehyung thought to himself with a pinkish color which started to appear on his face.

"Are you okay?" Jhope asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah..Yeah i'm fine, Just a little tired from all these classes you know" Taehyung relied not wanting making a scene.

"You sure?" Jimin asked worried as well.

"Yes Jiminie" Taehyung replied with a smile.

"okay...Just don't stress yourself too much" He finally spoke leaving the topic.

Jhope then continued on introducing the members who weren't there.

"There Are other members who are missing from around the table but I reckon you'll meet them soon"

"That's okay, I understand that clearly" he replied to Jhope's words and they all ate their lunches except Jungkook, he was all up in his phone not really caring about Taehyung's existence and the other's.

With that they all talked and talked until Jungkook left and went somewhere no one knows where but they assumed he had something important to do.

[The bell rang]

The bell rang signaling their last class. They all left the table they were sitting around and headed for their next and last class session.

"Well it was nice meeting you Taehyung" Jhope spoke

"As well as I Hobi hyung" He smiled and so did Jhope with the name he had received from the younger.

"How was it Taetae?" Jimin asked eager to know of Taehyung's repose

"Not what I expected but it was not that bad either" Taehyung finally let out with a small smile.

Jimin slowly shook Yoongi's shoulder awaking him from his slumber and told him it was time for them to head to class. Yoongi let out a yarn and rube his tired eye's and got up from the table. Both him and Jimin headed to class while Taehyung headed to his.


[After all the classes and School]

Taehyung and Baekhyun meet at the lockers once again. Both smiled at each-others presences.

"Hey Taetae" Baekhyun let out with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Hey Baekhyun, what's up?" Taehyung spoke with also a smile plastered on his face.

"How was class did you have any problems or did you handle classes well?" He asked with a worried and curious face.

"It wasn't that bad actually" Taehyung started making his friend rest at ease.

They both talked and talked losing track of time unit someone interrupted them....

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