🌸Chapter 42🌸

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Chapter 42: School again.

Third pov

It was now the first day of school, after three whole days away. Taehyung was excited. The reason for this was: He decided to move in with Jungkook after graduation. Jin would be sad if his brother just up and left him after all, they only have each other, other than their mates. By being excited about school means another day closer to moving in with Jungkook. Yes, he'll end up leaving his brother but they'll still see each other a lot.

Taehyung woke from his bed and got ready for school. Jin was in the kitchen already awake and preparing breakfast. Taehyung a few minutes later rushed down and kissed his brother on his cheek.

"good morning Jin Hyung." Teahyung giggled.

"good morning to you too brother, what's got you so excited?" Jin asked with a smile.

"well, you're my brother and I love you so why not show it," he said with a smile.

Jin ruffled his hair.

After 2 more minutes, breakfast was ready and the two ate.


They were now at school for the first time in three days. Jin and Teahyung walked to their lockers and Jimin jumped them.

"hey guys! you miss me~"


"hey lil shrimp." Jin teased.

"how've you been?" Jin asked.

"I'm doing quite fine, and I see you're  gonna keep calling me that name huh?" Jimin gave him a look.

"It's not my fault you lost the game."


"now now guys, let's not fight." Taehyung tried to calm them down.

"he started it" Jimin pointed.

"and I'm gonna finish it~" Jin responded with a smirk.

"guys..." Teahyung was hopeless at this point.

"what going on guys." Jungkook asked as he and Namjoon and Yoongi appeared on both his side.




The boys spoke in union.

Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi only smiled at their mates.

They all embraced their mates.

"what took you so long bae" Jin complained to Namjoon.

"a-ah you now...traffic sometimes..' Namjoon tried to lie.

Jin didn't buy it but decide to trust his mate for more.

"fine, I'll forgive you this once, let's go to class before Miss Pee scolds us."

"y-yes sir.."

"yoong's let's go too."

"but class starts in line 10 minutes, it's not like-

"let's go~"

Jimin dragged Yoongi off with him.

Taehyung just smiled at his friends behavior along with brother and brother-in-law(future)

Jungkook kissed him on his forehead and held his hands.

"let's go too."

Taehyung nodded and went along.

There was someone eyeing them from afar though... an evil plan was in the making...

"just you wait Kim Teahyung..I'll have Jungkook for myself in no time~"

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