🌸Chapter 38🌸

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Chapter 38: Brothers

Taehyung pov

I was finally at home, Jin hyung said he was home and I also still live here so I'm home at last.

I opened the door with my own key. I closed said door behind me and called his name.

"Jin Hyung, I'm home!" I called out.

I took my shoes off and walked further within the house. I looked around and called him but no answer. I finally climbed the stairs and went towards his room. Without knocking I saw my brother on his pc with his earbuds in, crying over a k-drama he was watching.

I saw this as my perfect opportunity and jumped on him. He was so frightened and stratled he screamed out loud like a siren and almost broke  his pc. He turned his head and look at me with shock and rage.

"You! little brat you!"

I laughed at his expression and reaction.

"Wait till I grab you!" He yelled. 

I took this as a 'run if you wanna live' situation and jumped off his bed at lighting speed and descended the stairs.

Him chasing me of course, like a mad bull.

I giggled while running.

Into the kitchen we went, running around in circles and circles all around the house, up and down and up again. I quickly went into my bed room and fell on the bed, too tired to care if he caught me and skinned me alive.

He walked in like a tired yet angry bull.



He fell on the bed beside me.

I giggled weakly, too tired to move as was he.

"hyung..are you tired too.." I asked dumbfounded, of course he was tired.

"..shut up..you..lil brat..you-

He stopped, trying to save his precious oxygen.

I once again giggled lowly, too weak.

After 20  minutes of resting and trying to caught our breaths we were finally back to our original selves, but still didn't move.


"mhm.." he hummed.

"I finally found my mate."

He looked up at me with a bright smile.

"I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you hyung."

"You deserve to be happy, the most happiest person in the world." He sat up and pinched my cheeks.

I giggled.

"So do you hyung, after all, I also wat to see you happy as the most happiest person in the world"

"You really are a precious soul."

We ended up talking about our mates. How we felt about them. The things we like about them. The things we found cute. The things we enjoy the most about them and other positive things.

"so tell, how did it go?"

I instandtly knew what he was talking about.

"wwh-what?..hyung..you know it's embarrassing to talk about with you of all people.." I looked away flustered of embracement.

He chuckled.

"I bet you had a wonderful time, as did I..see how you're acting.." He teased.

"hyung..~" I was begging for him to stop talking.

"okay okay."

he smiled.

"Hyung..can I ask you about last night?"

"sure, what you wanna know?" he asked.

"well..before Jungkook and I you know, what happened before that..I knew I was in my heat and all, but like what happened during that.." I asked scared if something bad happened, after all there were many wolves that were unmated.

Jin was quit for a moment..

I was getting more sacred and worried.

I think he scene this and ruffled my hair, trying to make me feel at ease.

"Nothing bad happened if that's what you're thinking, after all, Jungkook is the new alpha king of the pack and I know now, everyone knows you're his and his alone." he gave me a smile through his words but a smile when it came to me and Jungkook and me begging his.

I blushed.

"Thanks hyung you really are the best bro in the world."

Jin chuckled.

"that's what brothers are for pabo."

"To take care of there younger siblings and to protect them always."

I caved in for a big hug.

"I love you brother."

"I love you too lil bro."

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