🌸Chapter 19🌸

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Chapter 19 :|: Where are the alpha's


Taehyung's pov

Walking towards our table, I saw my friends waving. Yoongi was a sleep, "Damn he's always tired". Jhope was waving at us while smiling, while Baekhyun and Jungkook was no were to be seen. "I wonder where they are?" Not too long after we were all seated around the group table. Jimin was sitting beside Yoongi as usual as I was sitting beside him, He was in the middle. Beside me was an empty seat which Baekhyun sit but for some reason he wasn't there. Jhope was sitting across Baekhyun's space while were beside Jhope, Jungkook's seat remained empty. "What could they doing at this time? Did something happen? Did they have extra class work to do?" I mentally questioned their whereabouts.

Jhope + Jungkook + Jin + Namjoon 

 Bakeyun + Taehyung + Jimin + Yoongi

*when they had joined lunches*

Jhope + Jungkook 

Baekhyun + Tae +Jimin + Yoongi

*when they don't have joined lunches* THIS IS NOW

Jhope then suddenly let out of excitement. "Are you guys ready for Jungkook's big day?!"

I was dumbfounded about the topic I gave a questioning look.

"What are you talking about hyung?" I asked not knowing much

His eyes widen in shock. "you mean you don't know?!"

I was even more confused, what was he talking about?

Jimin then intervene and spoke. "Taetae didn't you know that Jungkook's big day is coming up?"

I gave another look of confusion until it hit me. "Jungkook's gonna be the next head alpha of his pack and soon he'll find out I'm his mate!" I mentally yelled

Jimin gave me a look of worriness. "are you okay tae? Why aren't you speaking are sick?! Is that why you're face is red?!" he questioned in a worried concerned yelling tone.

I Quickly got back to reality and realized the situation. Jimin was looking at me worried, Jhope's face was now sadden in a worried expression as well while yoongi..well he's asleep.

"N-no no I'm fine see..!" I moved my body in a motion(I don't know you think of something) to show I was okay.

"You sure..you spaced out for a long time mate..?" Jhope asked with a worried tone

That of course activated Jimin's best friend mood "okay that's it you're going to the nurses office now!" he got up as I held my hand ready to lead the way. I quickly got up and convinced him that I was fine and he shouldn't worry.

"I'm okay hyung I promise!...see~" I did the hand motion thing(whatever you guys think of) He signed.

"for a moment there I thought you weren't okay are worst something bad was happening to you and thought you weren't goanna tell me until it's late" he sniffed a little. This sadden my heart a little while I felt loved. I pulled him in for a huge and spoke. "It's okay hyung, you know I would keep anything from you right. You're my bestie after all and my soulmate~.." We pulled away from each other's embarrass which we smiled at each other.

Jhope on the other hand was making angel eyes, He was cooing over our cute and loving bond which seemed like nothing could break it.

"Such sweet friend ship *sniff* I can't even..t-this is so cute" he wiped fake tears.

We laughed at his behaviour which woke Yoongi who was now annoyed with us being loud.

"Yah! Can you guys keep it down.. I'm getting my well needed sleep here..." he spoke with a raspy kinda voice.

"aww babe~ did we make up my little meow meow~" he teased.

This made Hobie and I laugh of course. "meow meow?" that sounds cute and totally not how yoongi acts, at Least when we're around.

"What were you guys talking about anyways that's got to be more important than my well needed sleep?" he sounded uninterested. Maybe because he's still tired though.

Jimin smiled at the older. "Well we were just talking about Jungkook's big day coming up next week~"

"Next week!" I yelled in utter shock. This got the attention of everyone in the room. Yes that means everyone in the cafeteria. 'so embarrassing' I mentally mumble.

"What's wrong taetae?" Jhope gave me curious eyes. He's wondering why I shouted out 'next week' for.

"It's nothing..I'm just a little shocked that's all.." I sipped on my carton of milk.

Jimin then again gave me a cheeky smirk. "sooo~ Taetae~...what's with the sudden outburst?~"

"It's not like you have a crush on Jungkook am I right~..hmmm~" he gave me the eye look.

I gulped. Yoongi's and Hobie's eyes were all an me, awaiting for my answer.

"I-i..I mean..." He shuttered

Even though Jungkook and I kissed multiply times and he broke up with his girlfriend who's probably goanna slowly ruin my day from now on. We didn't really say we were dating...

"I- " The bell rang.

"well would you look at that! The bell as rang hence the end of my lunch time! Sorry hyung's I got to go!.." without waiting for their response I ran out of there without a another word.

Yoongi and Jhope on the other hand didn't know what was going on and just shrugged there shoulder as Jimin smirked at my actions. "Damn he's a cheeky one..then again that's one of the reasons why he's my soulmate" They soon left the canteen soon after, heading to their next classes.

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