🌸Chapter 45🌸

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Chapter 45: Kidnapped

Third pov

After the visit with the doctor, Taehyung stayed at home for 3 days, Jin stayed with him of course being the loving and caring helder brother. It was day four after the visit and Taehyung was feeling better, he decided to attend school. Jin asked if he was sure but of force he was.

"I'm okay, I can't let a little morning sickness prevent me from going to school hyung, after all, I only have like 2 or so months left."

sigh."okay taebear, if you're up for it."

Taehyung smile.


Taehyung and Jin were both at school after the drive there.

"You sure you'll be okay when I'm gone?" Jin asked his brother.

"Hyung~ trust me I'll be okay, I promise." Teahyung gave him a genuine smile.

"Okay. Be careful."

Jin ruffled Taehyung's hair.


Jin went on his way. Taehyung went over his lockers to took what needed, closing it shut. In that moment Jimin appeared out of nowhere.



"I missed you, why weren't you at school for three days, Jin was obscent too. What's going on?"

"I wasn't healthy, I was ill so Jin hyung took care of me." Taehyung lied, he didn't want to tell them yet.

"Are you feeling better now."


"That's good."

DING DONG. The school bell rang.

"Let's go, class is about to start."

Jimin and Teahyung had first class together and second class separate so Teahyung was alone.

DING DONG. The second class was over and so everyone left the now empty classroom. Taehyung was the last to leave though. The hallway was packed with people, it was noisy and loud. Taehyung hates the noise.

He quickly made his way through the busy hallways and went into the bathroom which was near to him only a few door done the hallway. He got in hurriedly. 

Sigh. "This is hard."

The bathroom was quiet and seemed to be empty, that was what he thought.

He walked over to the sink and turned on the tap water, watching his face.

The bathroom door opened and to his surprise, Lisa appeared.

"what are you doing in here?"

She smirked.

Without a word, Taehyung was struck from behind and knocked out. His eyes which were bright and energetic became dead and he fell uncontious.

"Nice work, let's get him outta here unseen."


Meanwhile with Jungkook, Baekhyun, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin and Hosoek.

"I wonder where Taehyungie is?" Jimin spoke out.

Jin was getting worried.

Namjoon sensed his mate's worry and held his waist from his right side.

"I'm sure he's okay, he'll be here soon."

Jin smiled a little.

Jungkook on the other hand was excited to see his mate since they didn't see each other for three days now. He called him the days he wasn't at school and heard he was sick but Teahyung wouldn't let him see him. He still wanted to g but respected his mate's wishes.


The car's trunk opened and someone placed Taehyung's small figure in the back. Closing the trunk shut and turned to Lisa.

"You best know what you're doing Lisa, that's Jeon Jungkook's mate right there."

"Oh shut up! Here." She handed him a check.

"If anything happens, I wasn't a part of this."

"Yeah yeah yeah, get going before people find this suspicious."

The guy left.

Lisa went to her driver's seat and started her car.

"I've finally got you Kim Taehyung. Now Jungkook will be MINE."

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