🌸Chapter 37🌸

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Chapter 37: Mafia world

Jungkook pov

I left my angel in bed and left to Baekhyun, he sounded like he had something important to tell me. After all, I'm not just an Alpha of a pack...I have other roles.

I descended the stairs and went to Baekhyun which in my father's library. I went in and pulled a specific book which opened a secret door to a private and secret room. There I saw 2 figures along with 3 other figures.

I went deeper within the room and the said secret door closed automatically behind me.

I saw father seated at his throne as Baekhyun stood by his side to his right. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok stood to both sides of the room.

"Father," I spoke.

"son. we have something important to discuss." his father stern and serious.

"what is it, father?" I asked him.

"The mafia group called got7 overstep a line they shouldn't cross and as the future mafia king, you'll need to make a statement."

"tell me what to do father" I spoke with a dark and stern voice.


After the meeting with my father and my undercover mafia friends and pack, I left and so did the others who were gonna complete the mission with me as the leader and mastermind.

It was getting later and later by the minute, even though it was 12 in the morning.

I walked over to the kitchen where the maids gave me food. I asked them if Taehyung was still here but he wasn't, seemed like he left to see his brother or something.

I really missed him.

I heard my phone in my pocket buzz, it was Taehyung, my sweet angel. I smiled happily to see his name popped up on my screen.

My Angel😘😇

"Hi, my beautiful angle~ where are you?"

"Hey bae~"

"I actually on my way to meet Jin Hyung, I wanted to tell you but you were nowhere and thought you were busy so I didn't want to disturb you" I heard his voice spoke, sweet and thoughtful.

"awe~ I'm the luckiest wolf in the world"

I heard him giggle beyond the screen. It sounds like heaven.

"Anyway, I was wondering if we could hang out sometime today?" he asked with a cheerful voice.

I thought for a sec.

"sure love, since I'm free for now, why not go on a date" I suggested with a happy tone.

"okay bae~ I'll see you son"

"okay angle. I love you~"

"I love you too koo."

I hang up.

"I'm really the luckiest man in the world," I spoke under my breath with pride.

My wolf howled within me, he agreed.





Short but the beginning of something new!

Sorry for the late update for this story btw..😅


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