🌸Chapter 15🌸

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Chapter 15 :|: Movie and kisses


Third pov

Taehyung was still a little confused by what had just happen. He was lost of words for a good amount of time and soon Baekhyun began to worry about his friends whereabouts. Taehyung let out a sign as he lift his body off the wall and walked over to the kitchen to get what he came for.

He walked up to the sink,having a cup in hand and got water from the pipe. He drank the cup without a break and let out  a sigh of exaction being lost in his thoughts. He noticed this have been happening for a  while now and he needs to make it stop. It wasn't good for his health and didn't want anyone that cared about him worry.

A hand from behind tap his shoulder. To his response he flinched at the touch and quickly turned around almost screaming. Baekyun noticed this and quickly responded. 

"Hey! it's me it's me!" he let out also frighten by his friend

Taehyung let out a sign. "don't scare me like that"

"I'm sorry but I noticed you were gone for a long time so I decided to come look for you"

"are you okay?..you  seem off the edge"

Taehyung took a moment before answering his slightly worried friend."Yeah..yeah i'm okay just took a long time for me to find the kitchen"

"Tae you sure?..."

"yah! it's not my fault your home is huge~" Taehyung winned

Baekhyun chuckled at this "yeah yeah you'll get use to it"

"what do you mean?.." Taehyung lift his eye-brow

"well..you're gonna come over to visit right..?" Baekyun asked hopping his friend would agree to his sugestion,while he had puppy eyes on display.

"okay okay just because you are so cute~" Taehyung let out in defeat.

"yeaaaa~" Baekyun state with a cute tone.

"You're such a baby..."Taehyung told, patting the youngr who only laugh at the older's comment.

The two then went back into the living room. Lisa was no were to be seen only Jungkook and he was watching a movie. It was a scary movie in-fact. Taehyung dis-liked watch scary movies. He was never fund of them. If a scary movie was being watched he would always make end up huging Jin or Jimin,since they were the one's I watch them with,Even though it scared the living crap out of me.


A scary movie was being projected on the TV screen as Taehyung was in between his hyungs, Jimin and Jin. They had popcorn,coco cola and chocolate since Taehyung enjoyed the taste very much.It was something he could never have a day without.If he was having a bad day he would eat a chocolate which would make it ten times better. He didn't know the cause for this but what he did know was he was addicted to it.(later on you will know why)

Taehyung was doing just  fine at the beginning but then his heart began to take pace. He felt his heart running a meritan. He tighten the hold of his blancket which he had covering his lower off.


The younger screamed at this sight. There was a monster an the screen and he didn't like it one bit. 

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