🌸Chapter 6🌸

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Chapter 6 :|:  Unexpected surprise


Taehyung's POV

Eating dinner with my brother was the same as we always did. We talked about random things, Jin hyung made his signature funny dad jokes and I just lose it. Time was going by pretty fast nowadays and I was getting tired so I helped my brother with the dishes and bided him goodnight.

In the morning

After sleeping like a baby awaken from the light shining through my windows I sat up and rubbed my eyes which was followed by a yarn of my body that had rested well.

I slowly got up off my bed and headed for the bathroom after I had spread my bed, since I had time. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a well deserving bath.

I was well dressed since I had wonderful fashion sense, at least that's what I think. And i headed to the kitchen which is were I was expecting my brother to be with our breakfast all prepared but I was wrong?

My brother wasn't there. I walked up to the Kitchen counter and saw a note which was left for my. 


Good morning Taetae, sorry for not waking you this morning . I had to leave the house early for something important. Food is already prepared for you in the fridge so just reheat it and enjoy.

P.S Don't be late for school!

Your loving brother Jin.

Taehyung smiled at his brother's note which was for him. He took the food as his brother instructed and reheated it. After it was all ready to be eaten he took a glass of orange juice and started eating.

After he was all done he took his backpack and wearied it an his back and headed for school leaving a now quiet and empty house.

At school

It was a long walk from his home to school but what he found weird is that he felt as if it was a 5 minute walk or a little bit more. Maybe he's just used to walking with Jin and because he's not there he felt the need to walk faster since he was alone.

He walked through the gates of the campus and saw a lot of people in groups and some where even making out in broad daylight, not caring what others thought. He was alone but he thought nothing of it so he continued walking until he was finally in the school.

He walked over to his lockers and saw a familiar face it was Baekhyun his new friend, the guy he meet the other day. He walked up to him and greeted him with a sinister smile and gave a good morning.

"Good morning Baekhyun. How are you?" Taehyung spoke with a bright smile.

"Good morning Taetae, I'm doing Just fine and I hope you are okay as well" he replied with a cute and innocent puppy smile.

They talked and walked out the little time they had before heading to their classes. The bell rang for the first time of the day and he waved at each other a goodbye.

But what they didn't know was that someone was watching them furious and angered by the sight which was saw before him, It was Jungkook. He was the one who was eyeing both boys disapproving of their interaction towards each other and the smile that they had on their faces.

Jungkook POV

I was roaming through the halls when I saw both Baekhyun and Taehyung smiling and talking to each other. I was pissed and at the same time curious as to why I was feeling this way towards then.

Jungkook's Memory

It all started when that Taehyung kid and I kinda meet at the classroom door in the halls. He was blocking my way from entering the class so I was pissed. I told him to move and so he did. He and I had the same class together for the first half of the schedule we had and he was sitting left-side of me as I was sitting right-side of him.

I was tired and Irma be honest. I was bored AF. So I decided to take a nap to free myself from this boredom I was in. I could feel his eyes placed on me as I tired to rest but to my demise it called. I can't sleep while being watched. I look up towards his direction and spoke, With that he turned his headed being all flustered and I kinda think that was cute which was also weird since i don't really care about things like this.

After class I headed for the roof top since I wasn't feeling like going to class. When it was time for me to have lunch I headed towards the canteen and saw my friends sitting in our spot Suga was sleeping as always while hobi was just there making our day and Jimin just...He's Jimin so I was doing his makeup and that type of shit.

I took my seat where i normally sit and took out my phone out of boredom. After few minutes had past their he was...The cute and fluffy guy I saw in class. why was he walking towards our table and why was he smiling so brightly? Then I saw Jimin running towards him as he did the same, running towards Jimin. They hugged each other and for some reason i was pissed by that. I could sense my wolf was getting mad but I don't know why it was behaving that way. I brushed it off not thinking about it and my eyes went back on my phone.

They both walked towards the table and He introduced himself to me and the others but i was too busy texting my girl Lisa. Hobi then took it upon himself and introduced us to him since yoongi was asleep and i wasn't really paying attention but i could feel those pair of eyes i felt earlier on me.

I took my eyes off the phone I was holding and looked at him. I was fascinated by his beauty for some reason and he must has been shook by my sudden gaze and he tired his head towards somewhere. I smirked at his flustered face which no one seemed to notice except me.

They then started eating their lunches but I didn't, I wasn't hungry but bored. I got a massage from Lisa, my girlfriend saying she wanted to see me on the roof.


Lisa: Babe meet me on the roof😘

Jungkook: K on my way😏

With that being said I headed for the roof not talking to anyone.

End of Jungkook's memory





why am i acting like this?.... oh shit i have to get to class before dad gets pissed at me again. Jungkook spoke to himself heading to class.

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