A Cute Moment With Ink

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I finish rapping my other arm the roll down my sleeves. I grab Dreams cape then I unlock the door and Dream comes falling in. I move to the side and run out and down stairs I can hear Dream catching up behind me. I run into the kitchen and see Ink sketching on some paper. I run up to him and say "hid meeee" he looks at me stunned for a second the lightly smiles "follow me" he says he stands up and I go behind him just I time. "(YYYY/NNNN)~" Dream says in a teasing tone Ink looks up from his drawing and starts acting. "Why you looking for her?" Ink asks "she stole my cape and I want it back" Dream answers "I haven't seen her sorry" Ink says shrugging his arms, I then here Dream leaving. I wait a bit longer then come out behind him "thank youuuu" I say leaning back. Ink chuckles then says "no problem" I smile up at him then get an amazing idea "hey Ink" I say ink hums in response "wanna help me tease Dream" he looks straight into my eyes and says "definitely"

-a little later-

I run past Dream then say "come and get itttt" Dream gasps then starts chasing me I run up stairs then I run to the right and nod to ink. He smirks then prepares the trap once Dream rounds the corner ink traps him in a paint bubble that you could still see through. Dream falls back saying "not FAIRRRR" as he's rolling down the stairs. We both snicker and burst into laughter Ink then says "come on let's his his cape" I nod smirking

"I fount an amazing spot" I say standing in front a closet with old jackets in it Ink see the closet then says "perfect" he then looks at me and asks "want me to lift you up?" I say ya go ahead he puts his hands on my waist and lifts me up I stuff the cape into the top of the closet but I let it show a little bit so that Dream can still find it. Ink then sets me down grinning happily with two yellow stars as his eye lights. I smile back I then feel something on my forehead I open my eyes and see Ink giving me a forehead kiss I feel my cheeks heat up. He puts away then says "you should smile more you look adorable doing it" he then walks away quickly with his skull turning more and more rainbow. I rush to my room and close the door and sink to the ground a blushing mess. I stand back up and check the time on my phone and see that I should go and make dinner. I grab a hair thing and pull me hair into a messy bun (if you have short hair then ignore this part) I open my door and start to walk down stairs. I see Ink sitting on the couch watching tv with Blue Ink looks away from the tv and see me "oh hey (Y/N)" ink says with a smile on his skull I say "hey Ink hey Blue" I then walk into the kitchen and grab my ingredients. I'm making crab rangoons tonight (if you don't know what a crab rangoon is then please look them up and try em cause there amazing)

 I'm making crab rangoons tonight (if you don't know what a crab rangoon is then please look them up and try em cause there amazing)

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I then decided to allow them to choose there drinks I set out Pepsi, CocaCola, Sprite, and Dr Pepper. I then hear my timer go off I walk over to my frier and pull the basket out and dump them out onto some paper towels on let them absorb the oils. I then grab two more paper towels and pat the tops of them off. I set plates up and grab my tongs and start setting them onto plates. I finish and call for everyone to come into the kitchen. Blue and Ink are the first ones to walk into the kitchen and both there eye lights turn into stars. I lightly giggle and walk past them "are you not gonna eat (Y/N)?" Ink asks worried I said I'll eat later. I then start walking up stairs to get the others.

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