Getting Closer to Dream

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I lift my head up and give Dream a small smile, he returns it. "Why are you not afraid of us" Dream asks curiously, "cause you come no where close to the scariest thing I've seen" I answer walking down stairs with Dream. "Then what is Mrs (Y/N)" Dream asks as I sit my cup into the sink. "(Y/N) is fine and it's someone that I loath with every fiber in my being" I say leaning against the counter with my back to Dream. I then feel arms around my waist and pulling me closer, I thence up a little then relax. "Who is the person your talking about (Y/N)" Dream asks with worry in his voice. "It doesn't matter they can't find me" I answer leaning my head into his chest. "Alright but I'm here for you to talk to" Dream says as he interlocks his fingers. I lightly blush then chuckle "alright Dream" I say looking down to my feet. Me and Dream walk over to the couch and sit down, "have you ever been in love" I ask curiously giving Dream a little nudge in the side. "Umm w-well" Dream stutters out looking everywhere but at me. I lightly giggle, "are you seriously going to be a tease" Dream asks a little annoyed, "nah I'm not to good at teasing people with there crush" I answer leaning into the couch. "Heh good Ink dose that enough to me" Dream says relaxing into the couch. "You never answered my question" I say with a smirk on my lips. I see Dreams skull turn yellow he then hides his face with his cape. I chuckle and put my arms above my head, "y-yah" Dream quietly stutters out. "What was there gender" I ask trying to get details, "m-male" Dream answers looking down. "Are you gay" I asks with a bit of happiness in my voice. "I'm b-bisexual" he answers hiding his entire skull with his cape. I chuckle then lightly pat his skull, he removes his cape I then lightly kiss his cheek. "You can love who you want just as long as your happy" I say giving him a smile. Dream then stares at me and I see his eye lights turn into pastel yellow stars. I chuckle and lean back into the couch, "have you ever been in love" Dream asks curiously. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly, I have a small smile on my lips. "I think I'm in love right now" I say closing my eyes. "You think? How are you not certain" Dream asks curious. "I've never been in love before" I answer looking away and into the kitchen. "Oh my stars I'm sorry" I then feel Dream hugging me. I lightly smile then lean into Dream, "what dose it feel like when your in love" I ask as Dream lays down onto my legs with his arms wrapped around my waist. "Well you want to always be with them, you feel nervous around them, you have butterflies in your stomach" Dream answers looking away from me. I smirk and close my eyes, "interesting" I say calmly. I then lightly pat his skull and silently sigh. 'Am I falling for everyone who's staying here' I thought as I could feel my face heat up slightly. I then smirk to myself, I move my hands to his neck and quickly untie his cape. I then pull it to my chest and hold it there away from Dream. "(Y/N) give me back my cape" he says prying at my arms, which kinda hurt cause of my scars. I then feel one re open. 'Fuck' I then hop off the couch and run up the stairs yelling. "IF YOU WANT IT COME AND GET IT" I then hear footsteps catching up to me. I close my door behind me and lock it. I sit his cape onto my bed I roll down the hoodie sleeve that Blue gave me and grit my teeth. I grab some bandage wrappings and quickly wrap them around my arm. I then do the other one as I hear Dream shout through the door "(YYYY/NNNN)"

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