See We love you and always will forever! (sad alex and Reggie!)

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This was requested by : rileycat70

I hope you enjoy this sorry I took me a while for this request!


It was a normal morning and julie was walking back in forth of the garage with Alex sitting at his drums and Reggie sitting on the couch cleaning his guitar. "OMG LUKE! There you are we have to start rehearsing we have a gig tonight!!" She said as Luke walked in.

"Hey,hey clam down I'm here now so let's get this started!" Julie rolled her eyes and said "No Luke this is not ok this is the 4 time you've missed rehearsal!" Luke looked at her and scoffed at her and said with an attitude "Sense when were you my mother?" Julie scoffed offended "Never, I just thought that sense you loved music so much you would never miss rehearsal time." Julie said also with an attitude. "Wow so that's how its gonna be huh?" Luke said ready to start yelling. At that moment it costed Alex and Reggie to looked up. "Yeah that's how its gonna be Luke if you don't start taking pride in your music!"

Then they start to yell but as it got louder Tiers started coming down Reggie's face and Alex started to get upset. They kept getting louder and louder then Reggie was fully crying! Alex walked over to him and told him it was ok and it wasn't his fault hugged him and left. Julie and Luke started to get really loud to the point they were almost screaming till Reggie screamed "WILL YOU TO SHUT UP!" With his little shaky voice he silently cried and Julie and Luke walked over and said "Omg Reggie are you ok were so sorry that we made you upset I'm so sorry please don't cry!" He then just said "Listen......I'm find but guys should go check on Alex he left......" They both looked at each other and walked out to find him.

eventually they found him at a park crying his eyes out really bad. "Alex?...." Julie said while trying to touch his shoulder. He just flinched and pulled away and ignored them. "Alex!!" Luke said annoyed and a little loud which caused him to yell "I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T HURT ME I D-DIDN'T MEAN IT I'll CHANGE FOR YOU PROMISE ILL BE STRIAGHT!!!!" He yelled. "OMG ALEX I'm so sorry man I didn't mean it I would never hurt you your my best friend your safe I wont touch you are you ok?" Julie nodded in agreement and said "what's wrong?"

he just said in a shaky voice "I-I'm sorry this just reminds me of my m-m-mom..............." Julie gave him and upset face and said "oh Alex we would never hurt you we love you for who you are were so sorry for fighting in front of you boys so here let me make it up to you guys to make you feel safe!"

They all walked back to get Reggie and headed to a big block filled with people of all sorts of colors for LGBTQ and girls in Feather and guys in sparkly purple jump suits danced and cool flouts all the way down the block. Both boys looked at each other and walked up excited. Reggie got pulled into a dance with one of the girls and danced with her until they switched to a guy and he just giggled and danced with him.

One of the Guys in the flouts grabbed Alex's hand and twirled him around and started to dance with him. Luke And Julie giggled and danced with them also and they had the best time. At the end The boys met up with Julie and Luke again and we're smiling like crazy. Hi had fun?" Julie said smiling. "YUP!!" they both said. See we love you Alex and always will forever we except you for who you are we love you! And were also sorry to you Reggie we knew what you've been through and didn't think about what we were doing were sorry!" "Yeah really sorry boys!" Luke added. They both smiled and said "We forgive you too!" Then they all grouped hugged!


Hi loves!❤️ I hope your doing well this is it for tonight I hope you like it rileycat70 I worked hard on it! I will be writing another story tommorow so stay tuned anyway hoped you liked it again and have a good night/day!!! Bye love y'all!👋❤️

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