Oh drummer boy! (Alex x reader)

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A quick disclaimer:

I know alex is gay but lots of girls has a crush on him and don't worry ill make a Alex x male reader later! If you don't like im making him like girls then you can just skip to the next story Ok thx for your time loves enjoy the story!

The boys was just practicing for one of their new song and y/n was just writing her own song in the corner. "Man that song is coming together great!" Y/n said as the boys finished. "Thx!" Luke replied. "What are you,doing?" Alex asked. "Um just writing down some random lyrics." Y/n said as she continues to write.

"Um that's cool." Alex said nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "Hey you ok?" Reggie asked Alex. "Yeah, yeah of course!" He said a bit nervous. "Ok , whatever you say buddy!" Reggie replied as he walked out. "Im gonna go see what Bobby's up to?" Luke says walking out.

"Um im gonna go bye!" Alex said in a hurry. "Um wait Alex I wanna talk to you!" Y/n said to get his attention before he leaves. "U-um y-yes?" He asked nervously cute. "Um why are you so nervous I didn't even ask you anything yet?" Y/n asked.

"U-um im not?" He said in a lying tone. "Um yes you are why don't you just tell me im your friend and we don't keep secrets Alex?" Y/n said in a motherly tone. "IT'S NOTHING!" Alex said rushing out. "Al- *sighs* never mind." Y/n said to her self.

With the boys:

Alex rushed outside and the boys seen him so they walked up to him. "Hey um you ok Alex?" Luke asked him. "No I need your help." He stated really fast. "Um what's  wrong?" Reggie asked confused. "Ok so you know how I told you guys I was gay right?" He stated really fast. "Um............Yeah?" Luke responded confused. "Well I don't know if I am anymore!" He exclaimed.

"Wow buddy calm down what do you mean you think your not gay anymore?" Luke asked still confused. "Well I like guys but I-I think I have a crush on y/n?!" He said nervously. "What! Really!" Reggie exclaimed. "Yeah I think so its just she's the only girl I'd like I mean I feel comfortable around and she makes me smile and she's just so pretty!" Alex stated happy.

"Are you sure?" Luke questioned. "Yeah im sure maybe I do have a crush on her?" He mumbled but the boys were still able to hear it. "But how am I gonna tell her?" He stated confused. "Well you can just tell her how you feel?" Luke starts to say. "NO! That's week I need something that would grab her attention!" He said while doing the jazz hands with it. "Fine then just make her a song then." Luke said sarcastically while rolling his eyes joking around.

"That's perfect!!! Thanks Luke your a genius!!!!" He yelled while walking back in the studio. The boys just watched him walk in like it was nothing. Alex then started to write a song , it was good but he was just a drummer and it didn't sound right when it was just a drum playing music.

He then asked the boys for help and finished the song and it was perfect timing because y/n came back. "Hey y/n I have a song I really like but I want you to sing it because im just a drummer boy!" He asked. "Aww your not just a drummer boy, your my drummer boy!" She stated as he blushed at how cute that was and how cute she is.

Then y/n started to sing the song:

"It may get tough but you always stick around, I need you more than you need me,

Come find me, my lovely,

Your perfect in every way, with your h/c h/l hair and your beautiful e/c eyes your perfect to me, oh your perfect to me, ill love you for ever with you and me together!...........will you be my girlfriend please?" She ended the song and looked at Alex confused.

"Hey Alex this song is great but who is this for and why does it say will you be my girlfriend?" Y/n asked cutely and confused. "Well.........who did I ask to sing the song for me?" Alex asked her wit a cute smile. "U-uh um me?" She questioned. "Well would you?" He ask cute and shyly while scratching the back of his neck.

"Um I love it Alex but arent you gay?" She asked confused again. "Yeah but your the only girl who makes make blush, your really pretty and your so sweet to me and I don't really have anyone that's as nice to me as you so...........would you?" He asked cute and shyly again. "U-uh............OF COURSE!! I love you Alex!" Y/n said while rapping her arms around him and giving him a tight squeeze.

"Yay I got a girlfriend!!" Alex yelled at the door as the boys bust in and cheer him on. Y/n just giggled and said "Oh drummer boy." She then just smiled as the boys jump up and down of excitement.


Hey loves!❤ I hope you enjoyed the story I thought it was so cute! Sorry im posting the chapter late again I've just been busy with school. Anyways I have one more one shot idea then im gonna start doing requests! Im taking some so if you wanna comment go ahead! I have one request so far. Well I wanted to do this story because lots of girls has a crush on Alex and he's gay so sorry I changed his sexuality. Anyway bye loves hope you have a good day/night!❤👋

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