No she can't be gone! pt.2 (Bobby x reader)

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Bobby's POV:

it has been a while sense y/n and the guys are gone but I hate it. I loved y/n so much but she is gone so is the guys and I really miss them. They would make me smile every time I was upset and Y/n's beautiful laugh! was the best.......but its all gone now.........I lost my best friends and the love of my life........and it sucks..........

The day of the Orpheum*

Bobby's POV:

I was sitting down next to Carrie and was about to watch Julie molina preform on a stage to see if my eyes were clear from that video i seen. The girl had finally walked on stage and started to talk about her mother. At first I didn't really care but I knew it was important to her so I wasn't gonna be rude to the poor girl knowing that I was in the same state of having someone you care about pass away. She started to sing and I just waited for what i thought was my old friends.......and then it happened.

what I had seen on the video was true! It was Reggie! Then Alex! Then Luke! and what I had seen next was shocking and almost made me was her......y/n! she was still beautiful but I couldn't believe they were there! Up on that stage singing and dancing it was shocking but amazing! I was about to tier up as I had seen the love of my old life and my old best friends it was very confusing but then again I missed them. I continued to watch as I seen y/n get close to reggie and they lean back to back, I kinda got jealous, but then again as long as she was happy......I was happy.


Hey loves!❤️ I hoped you liked that chapter! That was the only idea I had so please if you can loves please request or I can not continue to write! Also If you can please please please check out my other stories on my page and I kinda also need ideas for a new book so if you have any ideas I will love them! Thanks for your time loves! have a great day/night!👋❤️

*𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙤 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙧𝙨* (𝖩𝖠𝖳𝖯 𝖮𝗇𝖾-𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌)Where stories live. Discover now