~𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐲 (𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)

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-𝙇𝙪𝙠𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Me and the guys were jamming out to our music when four beautiful girls walked in. They were all so pretty but the one in the niddle was gorgeous! "Hey Luke you ok you staring at the poor girl?" Alex says so I can snap out of it.

"Um yeah sorry!" I say back to him as I scratch the back of my neck. We continue the song till we were done we put our instruments down and of course Bobby jumps down to talk to all the girls. "Hey ladies." He says in a slick tone. I had also jumped down to talk to the pretty girls and so did reggie and of course alex followed.

Y/n POV:

I was hanging with the Issy , Ella and Maya and walked into the bar. We don't drink were still young we only go there to watch the cute boys play there instruments. When the boys finished their cool song they had jumped down and stared walking towards us.

"OMG! They're coming towards us!" Ella said excited. One of the guitarist walked up to us and said "Hey ladies!" In a smooth deep tone.

No ones POV:

Hi!" Ella exclaimed. "Hello!" Y/n said. "Hey!" Maya said. "Hiya!" Issy said. "You guys were great." Issy complemented them. "Thx were Sunset Curve!" Luke said. "Tell your friends!" Reggie adds with a wink. "Well were actually in a band too!" Y/n said. "Wow really what's it called?" Luke said excited. "We are The Shooting Stars!" Issy said excited.

"Nice band name!" Alex says really impressed. "Thx!" The girls all said at the same time. "Im Luke by the way!" He says giving you a smile. You blushed and looked away saying "y/n" y/n told him her name. "Im reggie hi!" He says as he has the biggest smile on his face. "Hello im Issy!" She says also really excited "Alex!" Alex also said. "Maya!" Maya said while looking at alex. "Bobby" Bobby says in his deep tone voice.

"Maybe we should play together some time?" Luke asked. "What?!" The boys question loudly. "Sure but you'd have to be better then us!" Y/n said. "Girls we have to go we still have to practice for our gig tonight!" Maya exclaimed. "Oh right we have to go bye boys!" Y/n waved. "Bye!" Luke waved. "Bye bye!" Reggie waved really fast. "Bye girls!" Alex said giving them a little wave. "See you around." Bobby added to the boys "byes".

The next week-

The girls are playing there instruments and singing at the coffee shop.

"The stars shine bright like the dark night sky, singing na na na na na na nah oh la la la la la la la,

We shine bright, in the night light, you and I, oh oh oh oh,tonight!!"

The boys walked in as the girls finished the last line to thier song. "Wow that was good!" Luke says with excitement. "Yeah I know right!" Alex adds. "We should hear them play more often!" Reggie says right after alex. "Man they look good and play good these girls rock." Bobby says excited.

"Thank you were The Shooting Stars! bye loves!" Y/n exclaims as everyone claps. The girls put there instruments down and walk off the stage. The boys walked over to talk to the girls. "Hey you girls were great!" Luke says with excitement.

Y/n blushed at how cute his face was when he was excited. "OooooooO you think luke is cute!" Ella whispers to y/n so only she can hear it. "S-shut up!" She whispered back. They looked back at the boys as Luke smiled at y/n,Bobby ran his hand though hair and gave Ella a smirk, and Reggie winked at Issy. They all looked away and blushed.

Alex and Maya just giggled. "We have to go know but you girls did great!" Luke says once again. "Ok thx bye boys!" Maya stated as the boys started walking off but Luke stayed back. The other girls started to walk off as y/n waited for the boys to leave but Luke didn't. "Hey can I talk to you for a sec?"

Y/n turned around to face the dark haired boy. "Um yeah Luke what's up?" Y/n asked. "Uh I think your really um uh u-um c-cute a-and I wanted t-to um ask y-you o-out?" He said all cute and shyly scratching the back of his neck. Y/n blushed at first because of the offer but started giggling after because of how cute and adorable he was for blushing and shuttering.

"Of course Luke!" Y/n said excited. Luke blushed again but not because he was nervous anymore but because of how cute y/n was. "Ok see you later my little melody!" Luke said smirking at y/n. "Your melody?" Y/n asked confused but blushing at the nick name. "Yeah your my little melody. The thing that plays in my head is you!" Luke said while smiling really adorable.

"Oh uh um o-ok! Bye Luke!" She said really fast starting to speed walk away. "I can't wait for are date tonight!" He said trying to make y/n blush more which worked. "S-SHUT UP LUKE!" Y/n yelled back to him walking away.


Hey loves!❤ I hope you enjoyed that story! I wanted to do a Luke one shot first because lots of people like Luke so. I am taking requests so if you will like you can request some good ideas I will post another story later today or tomorrow! Have a good day/night bye loves!❤👋

*𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙤 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙧𝙨* (𝖩𝖠𝖳𝖯 𝖮𝗇𝖾-𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌)Where stories live. Discover now