No she can't be gone! (Bobby x reader)

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Ok loves I know most of you hate bobby but none of the characters fit the role except him because you and the guys are gonna pass away so, I hope you enjoy or this changes your mind about bobby.

No ones POV:

It was a beautiful day and y/n was hanging out with the boys watching them play their amazing music. Y/n liked the boys, she thought they were cute, except for Alex that was her cousin. She couldn't pick between them. Y/n was cleaning up the studio as the boys practiced some of their new songs. "That was good!" Y/n said after they finished their song. "Thx!" they all said at the same time. "Ok boys I clean the studio for you so that its not dirty anything else?" Y/n said sweetly.

"You already cleaned the studio when we said we can do it you don't have to do anything else?" Alex said right after. "Are you sure I don't mind I actually enjoy cleaning!?" She repeated right after. "Nah were good!" Luke says.

"Ok!" Y/n says back. She then starts to starts to stare at bobby while he puts his guitar back. Bobby then turns around and see's shes looking at him and says "Like what you see baby?" He brushes his hair with his hands and winks at her. Y/n then blushes and looks away. "Quit it Bobby." She says after blushing like a tomato.

"Ok guys I have to get home see ya!" Alex says walking out. "Bye!" Y/n yells sweetly after he left. Im gonna go get something to eat wanna come Reggie?" Luke asked Reggie. "Sure!" He exclaimed cutely. They then waved and walked out. Y/n didn't wanna make it awkward with it just being her and Bobby there so she continued to act like shes cleans. Bobby then walks over and puts his hand on hers.

"You can stop cleaning now love?" Y/n then blushed really hard and turned around really quick. "Oh yeah right sorry!" Y/n said really fast and cutely. "You don't need the be sorry beautiful." She blushed even harder and finally had the courage the say "Bobby its not gonna work so stop trying to flirt with me."

"Oh yeah but your blushing princess" she blushed again but not as hard and with a cute mad face. "Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "You know maybe you and me should hang out some time!" He said excited. "Sure like we can go to the trampoline park and then me and Reggie can-" Bobby cut her off with a giggle and said "No just me and you princess." She then looked confused but then realized what he was try to do.

(Go on a date with her.)

"Bobby I told you im not going on a date with you and you know Alex won't like that he gets protective." She says realizing what he had said. "Alex is my bro and I wont hurt you princess I'll protect you from anything!" He adds as y/n blushes from the nickname. "Fine one date but that's it!" She exclaimed. Bobby "yessed" moving his fist down like he's pulling something and cleared his throat when he seen y/n look at him like he's crazy.

It was the next day and you got ready you just put on something casual because you were just getting coffee. ( you just had a white shirt that says angel on it with black ripped jeans and sneakers with your hair in a high pony and a plaid shirt tied around your waist.)

You walked down stairs and grabbed your bag and left to the studio. Y/n arrived at the studio, when she seen the boys,she said "hey boys!" They all blushed at how good she looked and Alex glared at them all. "Um you ready to go?" She asked. "Yup!" He said following her. "BE CAREFUL WITH HER OR ILL HURT YOU BOBBY!!!" Alex yelled. Bobby got scared so he yelled back "YES SIR!" Y/n just giggled and they left.

*at the cafe*

Y/n was about to walk in but Bobby opened the door for her they walked in order there coffee and talked for a little bit. Bobby flirted some times. They talked some more then they decided that they should go home. Y/n went to pay for her drink but Bobby of course winded up paying for her. They were walking back home when Bobby seen someone looking y/n up and down so he put his arm around her and she asked "Um Bobby you ok?" He responded with "yup im ok!" They then got back and they went home.

*At the Orpheum*

Y/n was just watching the boys sweat as they sing "now or never" and blushes at how hot they were. She was also talking to her friend Rose. When the boys finish they walked over the girls and Started to flirt with Rose.

"Heres a T-shirt size beautiful!" Reggie says in a slick tone. Y/n just giggled but stood there kind of jealous. Luke then said "Come on boys lets go get street dogs!" Y/n then started to follow them as Bobby stops her and says "are you gonna go with them?" Y/n just responded with "Yup! But don't worry I'll be find ok I promise Bob!" She says with a cheery smile. "Ok be safe princess!" He said to her as she leaves trying to catch up with the boys.

"Yay! hot dogs!" Y/n said as she finally caught up with the boys and started to make her hot dog. After they sat down they started to eat but both Alex and Y/n didn't like the taste of it. "Hey this is a different texture?" He exclaimed. "Chill bro the street dogs haven't killed us yet!" And right As Reggie says that. y/n's vision starts to blur and she fell to the ground and all she could hear and she was the boys and yelling her name.

*With Bobby*

Bobby got a little worried and concerned that his friends didn't come back yet, he was going to check outside till he seen an ambulance. He rushed over to the TV as it says the words he never wanted to hear. "Breaking News four kids by the names of Luke,Alex,Reginald and Y/n have Dead by being seriously food poisoned. With that Bobby fell on his knees and tears started to form in his eyes "NO s-she c-can't be g-gone!" Bobby exclaimed. "I-I didn't even get to tell her how I feel." He says with tears in his eyes.

"I-I told you to be careful princess..."


Hey loves!❤ I hope you enjoyed that! Sorry im posting this late and sorry I haven't posted in 2 days Friday was my little sisters birthday and yesterday I was really busy. I have 2 requests already so if you want to request then you can! Bye loves have a good night/day!👋❤

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