Because your beautiful, just like this flower(Reggie x gardener Reader)

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This was requested by : that_one_weaboo

I hope you like it!! And yes I made the picture above so feel free to use it just make sure to give credit I worked hard on it!!!


No ones POV:

Y/n is julies cousin and so she would go out to her garden and water her plants but today someone wanted to join her.


Y/n hummed as she watered the pretty dahlias and roses in julies garden. She enjoyed watering her cousins garden for her sense her dad forgets to water them. She was done watering them as Reggie walked up behind her and said "Hi y/n! What you doing!" Y/n got frightened and turned around.

"Reggie! Geez!! You scared me!! And im watering julies flowers!" Y/n exclaimed. "Oh sorry!" He said right after. "Yeah........." She said after and continued to water them. "Hey can I help you?" He asked breaking the silence. "Um sure,if you can?" She said confused. "Ok!" He said cutely. It then gets quiet again and y/n forgot that reggie was there so she started to hum bright and reggie stopped looking at the flowers and looked at her with love in his eyes.

"You hum very nice!" He said, once again breaking the silence. "um thanks?........" y/n questioned. "not in like a wierd way or anything I just like it!" he said after. "oh thanks." y/n countinued to water flowers and so did he until y/n got up and didn't see the water bucket behind her feet so she slipped but reggie got scared and caught her by accident.

They stared into each others eyes after a while until she finally said "u-um t-thanks r-reggie." he then stoped looking in her eyes and put her down slowly. "sorry about that I- um- are you ok?" he says changing the subject. "u-um yeah im f- ow!" she said after trying to get up and falling back into reggies arms again. "OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OK!?" he said loud and worried. "yes reg im fine please be quiet I dont want julie to hear." Reggie then gave her a worried look and she just said "I think I just bruised my ankle im fine." she reasured him. she tried to stand up again but feel back down,quietly repeating the word "OW" he caught her again and put her on the floor.

"You are not ok im going to get julie!" he exclaimed. He started to walk out and she then yelled "WAIT!.........please don't tell julie." she said while playing with her hands while sitting on the floor where Reggie placed her. "why? your hurt?" he said while staring at her sadly. "im fine I don't want julie to be worried, and also why do you even care so much?" she questioned he then blushed and just said "because your my friend, I can't care about you?" he gave her a smile and she just said "ok, whatever goof ball." he walked out and got and ice pack and came back and put it next to y/n as she picks it up and puts the ice on her bruised ankle.

After a while she tried to stand up again and it didn't hurt as much anymore she was happy, and so was reggie. "thanks for helping me reg, and not telling julie she probably would have told her dad and then they would have called my parents and I don't want all that." She said to him. "It's no problem!" he responed with a cute smile on his face which made y/n blush at how cute and innocent he looked. Y/n turned around and seen that a beautiful rose was fully grown and walked over to it. "aww one of the roses grew, it's so pretty!" she stared at it as he walk over and picked it. "oh, ........ why did you do that for?" she said upset he then put it in her hair and she blushed like crazy it was so obvious.

"please don't let him see me blush please don't let him see me blush!" she said in her head but he did so he giggled and said innocently "because your beautiful,just like this flower!" after he said that she was a whole tomato, all red. "t-t-thanks reg!" she said shyly. "what? you are one?" he says making her blush more and he giggled even more. "STOPPPPPP ITTTTT!" she said looking away. "whaaaaat, your cute when your mad!" he giggled right after and she turned her head and he said laughing cutely "ok,ok ill stop but you have to give me a hug!" he said smiling at her with his arms opened. "ughhhh fine!" They then hug for a while and y/n then says.

"hey reg, you can let go know?" he then just reponded with "I know, but ill let go only if you go on a date with me." she looked at him then blushed again "u-um I-I u-uh I um uhhhhhh" she said all flustered. He giggled and just said "I'll take that as a yes." Y/n then responded with "I DIDN'T SAY YES! and you're a ghost Reggie How is that gonna work?" she giggled. "I'll make it work!" he said in a high pitched voice. They both giggled and continue hugging each other.


I hoped you enjoyed that loves!❤️ I am so sorry that I haven't been posting I've been really busy with school and all my weekends I have to usually do stuff aroung my house and finish making up work for school,so I will be posting another story today maybe 2 and tomorrow I will post one or two stories if I can. I hoped you like the story I made you! Have a good day/night where ever you are! 👋❤️

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