Cute moments between Aluke! (Luke x Alex)

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This story was requested by: _that_bi_bitch_

I hope you enjoy it!!! Also this takes place back then ok bye!


It was one afternoon when Alex and Luke were left to clean the studio. Reggie was on the couch sleeping like a cute little baby and bobby left to go home cause his mom came home from a trip. Alex was scrubbing the wall and didn't see the bucket and tripped with someone stopping his fall. Alex had opened one of his eyes and he seen Luke holding on to him and started to blush. "Are you alright Alex?" Luke asked but whispering so he didn't wake reggie.

Then Luke helped him stand up. "Y-yeah I'm fine..." alex responded in a whisper. After they both looked over to see if Reggie was awake but he was not surprisingly because the bucket was really loud. Nope Reg was just laying there turned around. "Wow I thought he would have woken up?" Luke said chuckling quietly. "U-um y-yeah....." Alex added with his face red from Luke catching him and now his cute laugh.

*the next cute moment*

another cute tripping moment started when then Luke, Reggie and Alex where walking to meet up with bobby at a lunch place when two annoying kids bumped into Alex and he fell. "O-ow...." is all Alex said as the boys laughed and turned around to say "Watch where your going blondie!" And they both laughed. Of course Luke helped up Alex and asked if he was ok but when Alex was standing Luke was mad. Reggie held Alex making sure he was ok and Luke walked up to them. "HEY, you should watch where your going jerks cause next time it won't be funny!" Luke yelled at them. Both boys backed up scared and just said "ok, alright its just a joke alright were leaving!" He turned to the other kid pat his chest and they left.

Luke walked up to Alex and asked "Are you alright?" Alex just looked at Luke and Blushed again and responded really fast with a "U-UM YUP ALLLLL GOOD SEE?" Alex began to walk fast because of how embarrassing it was and continued to keep walking away. "Hey Alex where you going?" Luke yelled trying to catch up.

*last cute moment*

The last cute moment with Alex and Luke was just a regular night. The boys were all cleaning but Alex got really tired so he sat down and closed his eyes. Luke got tired also so he sat down next to Alex and after a couple minutes they were both accidentally cuddling as Bobby start to talk "Oh my gosh I can't wait to start playing at big places we are SO close!!" He said excited but not knowing the boys are sleeping. "OMG I KNOW RIGHT! right Luke? Luke? Alex?" Reggie turns around to see them cuddling and "awww's" at them and so does bobby when he turns around.

"Should we Jump on them?" Reggie asked giggling. "Wait.....let's take a pic first then you can jump! I wanna keep it for bait later!" Bobby said chuckling. Bobby took like 5 pictures then started to count down for Reggie to jump on them. "1......2.......3!!!!!" Bobby counted as Reggie jumped on them and they wake up groaning in pain. "OWWWWW REGGIE!!!" Alex yelled. "BRO OWWW WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Luke yelled as Reggie just giggled and said "Hello! Did you have a nice nap cause its time to go home!" Reggie added to their whining. "Ugh fine let's go!" Alex said getting up and leaving. "Ugh I'm going!" Luke said pushing Reggie off him And standing up to stretch. "hehe hey Luke?........" Bobby called Luke as Reggie said ow for being pushed off and Luke looking over. Bobby then showed him the picture and he looked shocked. "BOBBY DELETE THATTTT!!!!" Luke yelled chasing him around the studio.


Hi loves!❤️ I hoped you liked that I don't really like it but just some cute moments cause I didn't have an idea for this one. Alrighty I really hoped you enjoyed it bye loves have a nice day/night!👋❤️

(ps: I know all of you are mad at the boys who pushed Alex XD)

*𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙤 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙧𝙨* (𝖩𝖠𝖳𝖯 𝖮𝗇𝖾-𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌)Where stories live. Discover now