Aww ill help you my sick lukey! (luke x julie)

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This was request by :StaceyStonier

I really love Juke so I love this idea. I hope you like this! Sorry if its bad!


It was a normal day and julie was getting ready to go on the bus with the boys because they are going on tour. (ever sense Julie lifted the curse the boys can make them selves visible and not visible and can touch and eat things now too!)

"BOYS ARE YOU READY!" Julie called from the other room zipping up the suit case, she was packing her stuff in. Luke walked in the room saying "yup!" But right after he said that his he sniffled his nose. "Hey Luke you ok?" Julie asked. "Yeah why?" He asked then sniffling again. "Because you keep sniffling." She stated while crossing her arms.

"No im not?" He said sniffling once again. "Are you sure cause you keep-" "im fine Julie I know you care about me and you love me but you don't have to show it all the time!" Luke said cutting Julie off. "Ok I care about you but I never said I love you Luke!!" She said while crossing her arms cutely. "Whatever you know you love me!" Luke said walking away with his head looking up.

She blushed and crossed her arms as he walked out the room and said "Ugh he is so annoying sometimes!" She whispered to herself.

*In the bus*

"Hey boys you ready!" Julie said proudly getting on the bus. "Yup!" Reggie said proudly also. She turned around to grab her bag and heard three different sniffles. She turned back around and looked at them with a motherly face. "Why did you all just sniffle?" She said crossing her arms. "Julie, we are fine stop worrying about us,like your our mother."Luke said crossing his arms.

"Im worrying about you boys because what if you get sick right before we get to our first meet and greet?!" She said also crossing her arms. "Chill Julie were fine just come sit down!" He said making her a little bit less worried. She sat next to Luke and after a while this was there poses.

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(I know its bad but i tried!)

As the bus started to drive off the boys heads started to hurt Luke then went to the bathroom and threw up. He went back to sit down and Julie stoped him she stood up and yelled "LUKE OMG ARE YOU OK?!" "Shhhhhhhh my head hurts ok be quieter!" He exclaimed after. "First, I asked you if you were sick or not! Second, aww ill help you my sick Lukey!" She said the last bit in a baby tone.

"Im not a baby and sure." Luke said. Julie then sat him down and got some medicine a ice pack and soup. She kneeled down on the ground handed him his soup and put the ice pack on his head. Then Alex sneezed and Reggie coughed. So being the mom she is and not wanting the other boys to get sick to she made then both soup and put ice packs on both of their heads as well.

She then forced them all to take the disgusting medicine and sat down already tired. Then Luke was done his soup so she grab the empty bowl and went to wash it and put it away but Alex was also finished it so was Reggie so she had to run grab their bowls wash them and put them back. She didn't realize that all of the boys ice packs were already melting so of course she grab them emptied them put more ice in it and put it back on their heads.

Julie was really tired but she kept pushing for the boys because she really wanted to go to the meet and play at the gigs they have planned. She eventually started running back and forth feeding the boys making sure they were okay she took a break once in a while but she still were running back and forth until she got really tired and passed out in front of the boys as they were starting to get better.

"JULIE!" The boys yelled. Luke then rushed over picking her up and started to shake her. She woke up after she had a nap. Luke rushed over to her as she laid up and hugged her. At first she was confused so she just said "what happened was I asleep OMG ARE YOU BOYS OK!?" Luke then shushed her and said "yes we are fine are you ok?" He asked worried. "Yeah im fine just tired. "Well we are almost there so lets go get ready!!


Hey loves!!❤ I know I know I haven't been posting but no more lying to you all ill get another chapter up tomorrow! Im sorry if this is bad I hope you like it! Sorry this chapter is coming out so late! Ok bye loves have a good day/night where ever or when ever you read this!👋❤

*𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙤 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙧𝙨* (𝖩𝖠𝖳𝖯 𝖮𝗇𝖾-𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌)Where stories live. Discover now