sunday 11:06am sander

162 12 0

I am laying on my bed doing nothing.
My phone vibrates, telling me that I recieved a text. I look at the screen, who could it be ?

From : Robbe
"That really was a shitty move from Moyo on friday"

I sight, what does he want ?

"Took you two days to come up with this conclusion, wow impressive !"

His answer takes longer to be sent.

From : Robbe
" Sorry, I wanted to send you a text earlier, but then I thought about how you always end up sleeping two days straight after an event like the one that happened on friday"

Seriously ??

"Wow, fuck u, I am not a baby, just send a text and I'll answer, beside I haven't been laying on my bed for the last two days."

Yes I know I am laying on my bed right now but I am not sleepy depressed that's what I meant.

From : Robbe
"I didnt mean what I said in a bad way, I actually wanted to let you sleep and healing from things on your own, I didnt want to disturb you.."

"Healing ?? And from what ? I am not hurt"

From : Robbe
" forget it"

I frown.


From : Robbe
"what happened with your parents?"

"It doesnt matter, I'll be back home soon, and it isnt ur business anyways"

From : Robbe
"Maybe it is a good thing after all, you could see it as a new start in life ?"

"Yeah well no thx. Those people arent my family, I am just waiting to be back home and see my mom."

From : Robbe
"Give it a chance, and maybe your mom will be able to visit you soon?"

I dont answer.

From : Robbe
"You dont have to say yes but we are making a party on Saturday since we will be on Christmas holidays at the end of the week, wanna come ?"

I sight, I really dont want to see Moyo right now.

"I am not really in the mood to make a party with moyo rn"

From : Robbe
"He wont be there"

Oh, that changes the thing, but I still gotta think about it before giving him any kind of response.

- Sander ! We're gonna take lunch ! tells me Sam
- I am coming !

I sigh and meet the others in the living room, all around a table. Dont ask me why they dont eat in the kitchen, I dont know.

I sit on the only chair left.
- So how is the day going ? asks Mary
Sam answers happily :
- Great, I've been thinking a lot today, and I wanna ask something because I am a bit confused right now !
- Sure what do you want ask honey.
- Well it is for Sander, how does it feel to like boys ?
- Sam ! says Jeff surprised

I honestly wasn't ready for that question.

- Sander you really dont have to answer him. tells me Mary
- it's okay, I'll hum... i'll answer.
I look at Sam and explain :
- Hum... it... it is the same as liking girls, except that you dont like the same thing that attracts you about boys than about girls.
- So what kind of boy do you like ?
- Hum... just normal boy, I mean I like shy ones for example, and a bit tiny maybe, with hum, maybe also with a skater clothing style or something like that ?
- And what do you like about girls ?
- I dont know, I mean for both boys and girls, the personality of the person attracts me a lot, so hum... yes I guess how the girls dress isn't really what attracts me the most, unless you can read their personality through their clothing style. And then I can be attracted to them you know ?

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