thursday 6:08pm sander

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I am playing videos games when someone knocks at the door, i get up and go open the door, I discover Robbe standing there, right in front of me. I look at him surprised.
- Hey. he says awkwardly
- Hey hum... what are you doing here?
- I took your homework. he answers

I thought that Britt would be the one doing this...
- Oh thanks, I... I thought that Britt would be the one giving me my homework actually...
- Are you disappointed that it is me ? he asks unsure
- No ! Not at all ! I am glad you came...

I suddenly realize that he is still at the door, on the outside.
- Do you want to come in ? I suggest
- No I dont want to annoy you...
- You're not, I am feeling better it's okay.
- Really ?
He is so caring it is so cute !
- Yes ! I smile

He enters and I close the door after him.
- Do you want to eat something? I ask
- No I am fine, thanks. he says
Robbe waits a few seconds before asking THE question.
- So what did you have ?
I prepared myself for this question, I knew that the guys would ask me the same.
- I dont know, I didnt went to the doctor, I just know I had a big headache and it made me really tired !
- Headaches are the worst ! says Robbe
- Yeah ! I force myself to laugh a bit, if only he knew

There is a silence, that I break.
- I was playing videos games, do you wanna play with me ?
He laughs.
- You play videos games ? he asks me
I frown and smile.
- Why does it seem to surprise you ?
- Well I dont know, but it's like...
- It's like ?
- You know...
- No i dont ! i cant help but smiling, i dont know what he is thinking about but he is embarrassed
- Well it is not really your style to play videos games ! he finally says
- My style?
- Yeah your style.
- And what is my style exactly?
I just wanna know what he thinks of it
- You know it's like, you kinda have this whole old school attitude, like from the 80s or something !
- The 80s ?
- Yes or I dont know around this time you know ! Like I actually thought you had some vinyls and a guitar !
I laugh.
- Well I have vinyls and a guitar ! But... I am still able to play videos games !
- Could you maybe... play something? he asks
I am not sure of his intentions right now so I check :
- For you?
- Yeah, for me.

I smile and go take my guitar, I dont sing, I am so bad at it ! I decide to play Space Oddity by Bowie. I wait a second before looking at him to see what he thinks about it, he looks surprised but in a great way.
- That was really great... he says
- Really ? That much? I ask
- Yeah, that much ! What did you play by the way ?
He is so cute.
- An old school thing as you would call it !
He smiles but I can see he is still waiting for an answer so I add :
- It's Space Oddity by David Bowie

I can read in his eyes that he doesn't know David Bowie.
- Oh yeah I think I know him ! he says trying to not look too uncultured
I laugh.
- You do ?
He sights.
- No I dont. he finally admits as I start to laugh loudly he looks really embarrassed but it is somehow really adorable.
I dont want to get on his nerves so I stop myself from laughing.
- Come on ! Sit on the couch with me ! I advise him as he executes it, I enjoy the moment a lot and we choose a second player to make Robbe allowed to play with me.
I come a bit closer to him to show him that we are more than just two bros chilling together.
- Fuck fuck they shot me ! I yell
Robbe laughs.
- Come on venge me ! Venge me man!! I tell him
I get even closer to him, so close that my breath goes on his neck as I look at him, i can see that he is loosing focus and suddenly his character dies and we look at each other in a very intense way. We dont say anything, we are just staring at each other in silence. I decide to come closer to him to kiss him, I do it very slowly and I notice that he does the same as me, signs that maybe it is going to slow and he is really looking further with this kiss.
My lips softly touch his and suddenly out of nowhere we hear the door being unlock, Robbe pushes me away, and I go back in my place on my way to start another video games party to not look suspicious while my parents are coming in.

My mom looks at Robbe and I.
- Sander, I didnt know we had a visitor! she says surprised since I have no friends
- Yeah hum sorry, Robbe gave me my homework and I thought that maybe he could stay over and play some videos games with me ?
- Sure Honey, I am happy you've made a friend ! she says openly while I am more embarrassed and ashamed than I've probably ever been !

I dont need Robbe to know that i have no friends, i just hope my parents wont mention anything about my bipolar disorders... my friends always leave me when they learn about it, and i dont want Robbe to leave me. I really dont want that.

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