friday 10:15 sander

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I go out of the class and meet the guys.
- Heyyy, feeling better ? asks me Jens
- Yeah, a lot better ! I say
- Great, Robbe has something to ask you ! tells Moyo suddenly
What ? Is it what I think ??
- Hum, yeah the guys are not brave enough to ask you so they decided I should do it... starts Robbe
- Okay... what is it ? I ask a bit lost
- Jens's dad owns a house where we often go during breaks or weekends, we were thinking of spending a whole week together, and inviting the girls and you, if it is okay ? I mean do you wanna be a part of our weird crew ?

This is not what I expected but it seems actually really great.

- Yeah sure ! Why not ?!
- Yassss man I KNEW you would join us ! yells Aaron
- You didnt know shit Aaron, you actually thought he wouldn't join ! laughs Moyo
- Why did you think I wouldn't join ? I ask without understanding
- Because you know you seem to be a very personal person... so like maybe spending a whole week together wouldn't be the best idea or something... he says
True, this is all true, a whole week what was I thinking about ?! I cant let them see me in my dark hours !
Or maybe I could come with Britt so if I make a crisis she'd know what to do and wouldn't tell to anyone what is happening to me ? Yeah that seems great !

- Aaron this isn't because he is a private person that he cant have friends. tells Robbe
- Right, that's right... replies Aaron

I hate to ask that but I guess I kinda have to.
- Hum will they be Noor?
- What do you care ? asks Jens confused
- Hum I thought that maybe I could bring Britt so Noor would know someone else than just Robbe. I simply explain
- Yes she is coming, says Robbe
- Great ! It seems to be a good idea actually ! tells Moyo. Can you ask them to bring some other hot chicks ?
- Hum I dont know how to ask that without going through an interrogation ! I laugh

They laugh a bit.
- Man.. Britt ? She seems a bit crazy, uh ? says Aaron without tact
I roll my eyes.
- She isn't, she is just very caring, too much sometimes but that's it. I simply reply.
- Come on, she seems to always try to control you ! adds Moyo
- She does what has to be done that's it ! Honestly you dont know me, you don't know what I need, and i am telling you, she is making a very great job ! I say before leaving
- Oh come on Sander ! They didnt mean to hurt you ! yells Jens behind me

I just keep walking, I dont want to hear anything more, yes, Britt is annoying, yes, she is controlling sometimes, but you cant say she is crazy, I am the crazy one, she is taking care of me since a long time now and I could never thank her enough for that.

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