thursday 12 : 56 Sander

388 11 3

Aaron comes at me.
- Hey man ! he says
- Hey. I answer vaguely

He notices that I am not in my best shape.
- Is everything alright ?
- Hum yeah, I am just not really in a great mood it happens sometimes you know ?
- Because of Britt ?
- What ? No ! I mean yeah, I can't deal with her anymore, it is making me tired to be her little puppy ! But it isn't that...
- What is it then ?
- It is kinda personal... Let's just say that I am always kinda going through shit...
- With your parents ? You know Robbe ? He also has some issues with his parents, you could try to talk to him ? Maybe he can help you ? he says very seriously
- Yeah, it is kinda with my parents but yeah no, it isn't really what the problem is mostly about.
- Okay, well if you wanna talk, I am here and the boys are also here.
- Thanks, but i am more of a private person.

I quickly smile at him to show him that what he tells me means a lot to me.
He smiles back.

- So who is coming at your party again ? he asks
- Hum, well, you, Jens, Moyo, and Britt I think.
- That's it ?
- Uh yeah, I dont know anyone else, so...
- It's sad, we must invite more people man !
- Like who ?
- Like Senne, or Zoë, or I dont know maybe Jana and the other girls.
- Uh yeah sure, as long as we dont end up being thirty in my house.

Aaron laughs a bit.

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