saturday 11 : 06 pm sander

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I let you imagine the reaction of Amber when she saw the bread, Robbe and I were trying not to laugh while she was turning red because of how angry she was. Anyway, after that we spent quite a cool afternoon, we didnt do anything special to be honest, we just chilled at the house. The only thing that happened is that Noor, Robbe's girlfriend came to the house... anyway so I need to think about something else.

We arrived like an hour ago at a party and honestly, it wasnt really it, I wasnt in the mood to dance, especially with Britt...
I decided to finally take something to drink, I drank some shots, after maybe half an hour, I really start to feel the effects of alcohol, I start to dance, a bit alone thought but it doesnt really matter.
Britt came at me :
- Sander !
- Yeah ? I ask
- What are you doing ?
She looks pissed.
- Dancing !
- Did you drink a lot ?
I can help laughing and say :
- I am wasted !
I see Robbe chatting a bit with Noor :
- Hey Robbe !
I put my hand on his shoulders :
- Robbe, you know what I want right now?
He laughs a bit and ask :
- Water ?
- I said right now not tomorrow morning !
Robbe and Noor laugh loudly.
- Well then no, what do you want ?
I breath and say :
- Would you dance with me ?
He looks so surprised and confused at the same time, it is funny, we could make a meme of his face right now !
- Uh Sander... I... I wont- he starts but Noor interrupts him
- Oh come on Robbe, dance with him !

If only she knew that I am trying to hook up with her boyfriend !

I dance energetically and I can see Robbe dancing in a really shy and awkward way. I smile.
- What ? he asks
- Nothing.
- Are you laughing at me ? he looks a bit offended but kinda amused at the same time.
- Just chill a bit okay ! No one is watching you !
- Well Noor is watching me, and you are too !
I roll my eyes.
- I dont count, i am dancing with you ! And about Noor if you want we can go somewhere where there is no one else...
He smiles but says :
- Yeah I don't know Sander...
I laugh, I am  really really drunk and just say :
- You're so hot !
He blushes a lot and my smile becomes even bigger ! I add :
- Come on, follow me !

I leave and I see behind me that he indeed follows me. What should I do now?? I go in the toilets of the club and take Robbe by the hand, I make him go in the same toilets as me and we stare at each other for a bit.
- So, now...? asks me Robbe a bit stressed out and confused as well.
I stare at him, smile and complete his sentence :
- Now.
After that I just kiss him, at first he didnt really react, which scared me, but then he just putted one hand on my neck and the other one in my hair.
This kiss feels so good, I've been waiting for it to happen for too long, i can feel him smiling while we are kissing, which makes me even happier !

I break the kiss and go down on his neck, I kiss it slowly, I want to kiss every part of him from his hair to his feet, I've been waiting to touch him for so long that I cant even control myself now, I keep kissing him and I can hear a moan coming from Robbe's mouth, I smile and he says :
- Sorry...
I look at him, still with my stupid smile on my face :
- Dont be sorry for taking pleasure from me kissing you.
He blushes a bit and admits :
- It is just that you know like... you are you... I am me...
I frown.
- What do you mean ?
- You have experience... I don't, no matter if it is with men or women, I haven't done anything...
- if you dont want to do it, I'll wait don't worry...

I am gonna be honest, I didnt feel like I actually enjoyed this conversation, it felt like he was trying to tell me that he actually didnt want to be with me...

- What I mean is that... i don't know how to react when you make me feel things...
I smile a bit and answer :
- Just be yourself, let yourself feel things and let yourself express what you feel...

He looks at me for a while so I say :
- Can you do that ?
He smiles, nods and answer :
- I can.

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