monday 7:56 am sander

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I am on my way to school when I recieve a text.
From : Dad
"I am at your school, I am waiting for you."

I frown. What does he mean ? I keep walking and before entering the school someone grabs me by the arm.
I immediately know who it is, I look up and discover my dad. I look down and say :
- Hey dad.
He raises an eyebrow.
- What's this face ? he asks suspiciously
- What do you mean ?
- The bruises, who did them to you ? Are those assholes beating you ?
How ironic...
- Oh the bruises ? Yeah, no it isnt them, they are quite... nice actually.
- Nice ?
- Yeah...
He sights. He is gonna loose his shit again, I can feel it.
- So what now they are your parents ?! Uh ?? he yells
As he raises his voice I flinch :
- No ! Not at all... they are just... taking care of me, you know this, uhm, this kind of stuffs...

Before saying this I knew already that it wasn't what I should've said, but what else could I say ?

- So what your mom and I didnt take care of you ? Is that so ? Do you really want me to tell your mother that ?
- No ! Not at all ! I am... I am sorry. I didnt... mean it that way.
- Then what did you mean ? he asks very seriously, his eyes are burning out of anger
- Nothing really...
- Oh "nothing really" are you sure it was just nothing ?
- Yeah dad, I swear it was noth-
He grabs me by the shirt.
- If you say nothing one more time, I swear this isnt gonna end well. he warns me with a dark stare

- Hello M.Driesen. suddenly says a voice behind me

I turn myself and discover Robbe.
My dad lets go of my shirt.
- Oh hi... what is your name again young man ? asks my dad, feeling both confused and awkward
- Robbe. simply answers the boy
- Oh hi Robbe, how are you ?
- Good, what were you two doing ? questions the teenager, suspiciously
- Uh... we were just joking ! Haha, right son ? he looks at me
- Ye- yeah we were just... hum joking. I confirm while looking down
There is a silence.
- Excuse me sir but Sander and I must go to class now. states Robbe after a while
- Oh yeah, sure... see you later son. he says

I dont answer and just follow Robbe, after a minute walking in silence he asks me :
- Are you okay ?
- Yes.
- What did he want ?
- I dont know.

We keep walking until he interrogates me again :
- Did you think about the party at mine ?
- Uh yes, a bit.
- Soooo is it yes or no ?
- It's yes.
- Cool.

Our exchange is very cold somehow. I don't really know why to be honest.
We simply walk in silence, my phone vibrates, I look at the screen, this is a text from my dad.

From : Dad
"Sorry if I scared you earlier, but you need to come back home, you caused this whole situation and now you need to fix it. Prove us that you are worthy, that you arent just a shitty kid that deserve no happiness in life. Pretend that you arent happy with your new people, show it the most, make crisis, do everything. Just do what you need to do, no matter what."

- Sander ? asks Robbe concerned. Are you okay ?
I take some seconds to answer my best, I hardly say not really loud :
- Ye- yeah.
He comes closer to me.
- Are you sure ?
I force myself to nodd, I close my eyes for a second and when I open them again, I try to look the most confident I can be.
- I just remembered that i forgot to do my homework but it's okay I guess.
- Do you want me to ask Aaron if you can copy on him ?
- Sorry but I would rather have nothing at all than having everything false. I say ironically
Robbe laughs.
- Yeah that's right !
- Beside, Aaron and I arent really BFFs, especially now that I've beat Moyo's ass even tho this asshole is homophobic or whatever.

Robbe doesnt answer, I say a quick "see you" and leave him alone to go to class.

I start entering class when Miss Stuart stops me.
- What does that mean ? I ask confused
- What happened to your face, I thought they moved you to another family.
- Nothing really...
- Doesnt seem like nothing. states the teacher, worried
- Okay cant we skip this whole interrogatories ?
- No Sander, it is important. You need to talk to someone, you didnt go to school for days and I am supposed to leave this whole thing when you come back here with bruises all over your face ? I am sorry but I wont leave it.
- I am not the only student with issues ! Everyone has issues ! Ask each of them what is happening in their personal life ! I scream
- The difference is that they succeed at hiding it from me ! Dont you get it ?! Everyone can read on your face that something is wrong with you ! she yells back

There is a blank, I cant believe she said that... something is wrong with me. She talked exactly like my dad.

She sees at my face that what she told me is hurting me really badly, i can see her releasing what she just said.
- No, no it's not what I meant ! I am sorry-
- No, this is exactly what you meant.
- No, no Sander I swear-
- Fuck off. I say before leaving her

I guess I am going to skip classes today.

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