saturday 4:52pm sander

177 10 0

I am laying on my bed, I still have a lot of bruises but those are starting to leave. I receive a text.

From : Robbe
"Didnt hear anything from you in days, is everything okay?"


From : Robbe
"What happened ? Why didnt you come back ?"

I sight.
"I wasn't in the mood to go back to school after tuesday's morning"

From : Robbe
"How did things go with your dad ?"


From : Robbe

"I am being honest dw"

From : Robbe


"I cant right now, sorry"

From : Robbe
"Seriously ? You are at home, you got all the time in the world"

While i try to think abt something to answer he calls me.
- Fuck !
- Sander is everything okay ? asks my mom from the kitchen
- Yeah dont worry !

I hesitate but after hiding the best i can my bruises with my sweatshirt and putting myself in a way that the sun doesn't show my bruises, I take the call.
- Hey. i say
- I can barely see you. says Robbe
- The quality must be low then. I simply explain
- Yeah I dont think it is that, it looks like i just see a shadow of you not actually you.
- Weird...
He laughs. I frown. What is that funny ??
- What ? I ask
- Sander, stop being ridiculous, I know that you hid your bruises on purpose.

I sight.
- Sander come on, you already told me everything that happened, you can show me.
I roll my eyes, sight one more time and put on my face toward the sun so he can see my face clearly.
- Fuck Sander ! What happened ?!! he yells
- Can we just not talk abt it, please?
He sights.
- As you want, how are you ?
- I am great, I guess...
- You guess ?
- Yeah well... i am having some issues...
- With ?
- With something that isnt your business.
- Oh okay, sorry for trying to help !

There is a quick silence that I break :
- What did the other said ?
- About ?
- About me.
- Well they didn't say much to be honest.
- Are they still pissed because I am also into boys ?
- Moyo isnt... really open minded on that kind of things, that's true, but give it some time and things will go better, you'll see by yourself.
I laugh.
- Time ? What does time has to do with this ? Robbe why would he change his mind ?
- Because you are his friend...
- It doesn't matter for him ! Plus he barely knows me !
- Yeah but why would he come from appreciating you to hating you just because you like boys ? It would be... really unfair...
I sight.
- Robbe... he barely knows me, okay ? But... he knows you and he'll probably accept you just the way you are...
- Look it isnt what it seems, okay ? I am not into boys...
- Arent you into me ?
There is a silence. I break it.
- Okay I get it, see ya !
- Sand-
But i already hung up.

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