thursday 09:35am sander

206 11 1

I am back at home, my mom just brought me here. I dont know what she told to my dad but... I guess we'll find out soon.
My dad comes at us.
- What is he doing here ? he asks
- he didnt feel well so I brought him back here. simply explains my mom
- Didnt you think telling me about this would be a good thing ? Uh ??
- I didnt want to annoy you... she just says
- Oh really ? So it is not because you knew that I didnt want that kid here today ?!
That kid ?? Seriously??? I say :
- Hey the kid has a name and the kid is right here !
- Do I look like I care ?
I sight.
- Yeah that's what i thought, now tell me why you came back so early. he doesn't yell but I know that if I dont find a good reason I'll have some problems...
I cant find a good thing to answer... fuck fuck fuck...
- What you don't have any reason?!
- I didnt think it would annoy you... i-

He pushes me against the wall violently and my mom comes between us and say :
- Come on just leave him, he is tired...
- Yeah, you know what ? I am tired too, I am tired that he is never happy, I am tired that he destroys himself by smoking, I am tired that he has his crisis... HE FUCKING MAKES ME TIRED !

I close my eyes while he yells. I knew I shouldn't have come back that early...
- I am sorry... I try to say but my dad finds a way to punch me without touching my mom

He just hits my cheek, i can feel a hot liquid getting slowly out of my cheek at the same place he just hit me.
He was about to give me another but my mom interrupted him.
- Stop ! Please stop !
My dad sighs and says :
- You are lucky you got your mom, you little shit.
And then he walks away.
I stay on the wall for a few seconds. My mom comes at me.
- Honey are you okay ?
I sight, I dont want to talk about it.
- I never been so well ! I answer with irony
I go in my bedroom and lock myself inside, I lay on the bed, close my eyes, a tear get out of it, I start slowly crying when my phone receives a notification.

From : Britt😘😘
"Where are you ?? Did you leave already??"

I sight, fuck...
A few seconds later my phone recieve another notification.
- Fucking hell cant she leave me alone !
I sight again and look at my phone. It isnt Britt.

From: Robbe

I dont know what to do so, I decide to ignore the text so five minutes later he sends another one.

From : Robbe
"Are you okay?? Where are you??"

I sight, and answer :
"I am at home."

From : Robbe
"Why did you leave ? Is it my fault ?"

Yes it was your fault, duh !

"No dont worry it isnt your fault, I just  needed to leave."

From : Robbe
"Why ?"

What can I answer to that ?? I just dont answer.

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