friday 8:41 pm sander

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We're coming at Jen's house, I hope we'll be there soon, Britt and I are doing one thing since we left my house : arguing about stupid things.

I sight. Britt looks away and says :
- Why do you sight ? What is the problem ?
She's really getting on my nerves.
- Can't i just sight ?! Am i still allowed to do that ?! I ask ironically
- Come on Sander I know you and I know that you are sighting so I will react and we will keep arguing !

I look at her, she is biting her red lips, this could have turn me on some months ago, but now ? It seems like nothing about Britt ever turns me on...
I look down on my feet and say nothing, I dont wanna think about Britt, I know how she is, she will tell me that i have to be chill, otherwise I will make a crisis. I am not that weak, I know my limits, I just have struggle to not cross them sometimes. That's it.

I think about Robbe, would he be like that with me if he knew who I really am ? No, no he would just leave, just like everyone.

The car stops and Britt says :
- I think it is here.
I look through the window just when three young people get out of the house make us signs, I immediately recognize Robbe who is looking shyly at me, Jens is with him and Aaron is the one making the big signs to catch my attention.
I sight to motivate myself to get out, this weekend cant be that chaotic, what am I scared of ? I was about to get out when Britt catches my arm, I look at her without understanding. Maybe she is about to apologize? Doesn't look like her but well let me hope.
But it wasnt that instead she just said :
- Try to smile and to be nice please.
I frown and answer :
- I could tell you the same.

She turns red, ashamed, while I get up and come out of the car.

- Heyyy man ! yells Aaron
- Hey ! i say trying to not sound fake
- Everything's okay ? ask Jens noticing that I am bothered by something.
- Hum yes, sure, it is just Britt, we... we kept fighting in the car. I admit
- Shit. answers Jens
I laugh.
- No no really it is okay, I am used to it. I say honestly
- You shouldn't be so used to it. tells me Aaron

He has got a point.
- Anyway, is anyone gonna make me visit the house ?
- Hum yes, Robbe make him visit I'll open a bear for him while this time. says Jens

I look at Robbe, and then at Britt, the girls came at her, I think she is crying or something like that, pathetic... I know I shouldn't say that... but it is the truth so I wont lie about it.

I follow Robbe through the hallway.
- So this is the hallway, it is... hum... well it is an hallway. he says without convictions
I cant help laughing, he is way too cute, he looks kinda offended but after all he gives me a little smile and says :
- Man if you wanna help me describe this hallway go on !
I smile and add :
- Do I have to remind you that you are the one who is making me visit this place ? Not the contrary ?
He smiles back.
- Okay next !

He walk a bit and open a door.
- So it is the living room, the TV isnt working well, we can play DVDs on it but that's it, nothing more.
- Wow, I dont know when was the last time I played a DVD ! I joke
He laughs and adds "me neither!"
He walk a bit more in the hallway and shows me three bedrooms

- Hum so those two bedrooms are for the couples, because there is a big bed for two in each, and the third bedroom is actually a big room with many single beds so like that's for the single people... when do you want to sleep ? In one of the 2 rooms with Britt ?
- Oh no way I am sleeping with you ! I say laughing

Please Robbe laugh and dont make it awkward... YES he gives me a sweet laughs that sound like "bro that was mad cute but I dont know if it is a joke or not" i just smile back at him and put my bag in the room for single people, I ask Robbe where is his bed and put my bags on the bed next to his.

I smile at Robbe and he smiles back with a little giggle, I dont know what i did to make it laugh but i dont really care to be honest, i like seeing him laugh.

After that, Robbe makes me visit the bathroom, the toilets and the kitchen. During the whole visit I tried to give him signals that I like him and he seemed to answer to those.

Then we go back to Jens and the others when Britt comes at me as if nothing happened before, as if we didnt argue :
- I saw you putted your bags on the bedroom for single people.
I roll my eyes and ask :
- Yeah so ?
Why is she so annoying ? If I want to sleep on my own I think I can.
- I just putted them back in one of the two bedrooms, we're sleeping together ! she says with a smile

Great. She wants to have sex again... even thought I told her I wasnt comfortable abt having sex here...

I dont even bother to answer and just take my beer and swallow a bit of it.

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