Chapter 25

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After settling that I'd go with Leorio, Kurapika and Gon, we got a very long lecture about how to use our Hunter license. I don't see any particular advantages to what our family can do, but I guess the average citizen would love its advantages. Average citizens are so basic.

"So how do we get to Killua?" I listen to the three of them discuss.

"My-... Illura knows the way, right?" Leorio answers Kurapika.

"And we can use our Hunter licenses to travel for free," Gon adds happily.

"You want to go by public trafic? You mean a train?" I respond. "I hope it's first-class..."

"You should be happy we're even including you," Leorio shouts, making me look up in surprise. "You might have been raised rich, but we haven't been raised like that. We're already glad if we can go by train such distance, so stop acting like a spoiled kid and deal with it."

"Leorio, that's enough." I look up at Kurapika, grateful that he interrupted the angered Leorio. Did I act that badly or is it still anger from what I did before? I guess it's a mix of both, Illumi told me multiple times that I'm prone to acting spoiled as well.

I sigh and look out of the window, though that doesn't last long as Gon suddenly pops in my view. "So where do we have to go, Illura?" He smiles his cheery smile, which somehow comforts me after Leorio's anger.

"I'll make sure to find a proper route. I'll let you know at what time we'll leave, though it will probably be tomorrow morning so be ready," I respond. I don't feel like telling them the address and brainstorming, this would be much easier.

"Why would we still trust you with a task like that? Who knows where you'll bring us?" Leorio says, glaring at me.

"I need to get home as well. There is absolutely no advantage for me into going another way," I answer, glaring at him. "If you don't agree, I'd be glad to leave you behind."

"What did you-?!" I see how Kurapika takes Leorio's shoulder and pulls him back slightly.

"At least try to get along, it's already enough trouble without the two of you fighting all the time," he concludes, looking at me. "I'll help you set together a route. We should be done soon enough and Leorio has no reason to distrust it."

He looked right through me, that I didn't want to spend hours on finding a route. I guess I also don't mind spending time with Kurapika, he's the one I enjoy spending time most with from all of these people, so I slowly nod in response. "Alright, lets find a computer so we can find our route."


That's how we end in a cafe filled with computers ten minutes later. I notice how Kurapika isn't used to seeing all of these things, as I walk to the first computer within my reach.

"What are we doing here?" Kurapika asks.

"Figuring out the route from a scrap of paper is a pain, so we'll let the computer do all of the work. We simply fill in our destination and the destination we want to go. The time of departure and preferred stops. Well, preferred stops wouldn't be thing here since we simply want the shortest route."

Kurapika watches as I fill everything in. "And the computer calculates the shortest route?"

"Shortest route and the most practical way of going there. I bet that if we let Gon loose, he'd start playing games on these things..." I sigh as I continue searching between the possible routes. "And Leorio would search for ways to make money."

"I guess you aren't too far off there," Kurapika chuckles. "Though they'd also do everything to find Killua back, so perhaps this situation would be an exception."

"Killua sure is lucky... You'd do everything to get him back," I mention. I know Kurapika forgave me, but what I did is unforgettable and I wonder if they'd do the same for me if I was the one to have been forced home.

"Leorio would probably try to leave you behind, but I'm sure Gon would rush off to find you," Kurapika replies, looking down at me.

I look up, right into his grey eyes. "And what about you? What would you do?"

"I'd agree with Gon and try to find a route, since the other two would be distracted."

I feel how my cheeks slowly heat up and I focus back on the computer. He'd really search for me? Does that mean they really did forgive me? A small smile makes its way onto my face as I look up again.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."


I know this chapter is short and late and I'm sorry. I promise the next chapter will be a little more interesting. I guess I needed a small filler to not skip too much time, oops.

Anyways, thanks for sticking with me for so long and I hope I can upload a new chapter again soon.

Everyone stay safe, and I wish you all a splendid 2021. May the stars shine upon you and bring you lots of luck.


A killer's tale ~ Hunter x Hunter ~ Kurapika X OC {finished}Where stories live. Discover now