Chapter 01

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I am standing in front of a huge mansion which I call my home. The building is dark and feels very cold, it always has been this way. The family living there is not different. They are cold and dark, perhaps this is because it is an assassin family. But I have never known different, as I have grown up here.

I do not know warm families or strong bonds. I just know the competitive feeling towards my siblings to be the best Zoldyck sibling and the need to grow stronger every day. The need to kill, the urge to see blood. The feelings of a true assassin are no feelings, this is what my father would always tell me. Just kill, the task which you have been born for.

And I have always done so. I have always tried to make my family proud, to be the perfect assassin. Grow stronger every day, endure punishments without displaying any emotion or pain, abandon any emotions which will get in the way and work together with your siblings where you need to.

My and my twin brother have worked together multiple times. We are also known as the Zoldyck twins. Illumi and Ilura Zoldyck.

My twin brother has long, black hair and a very pale skin. He is 185 centimetres tall and has a slender figure. His big black eyes finish the picture, making him look like a doll. He always seems to remain calm, always thinking everything out carefully, without any emotion. He is strong and his needle-nen makes it possible for someone to change appearances. He is physically immense strong and only his aura is enough to suffocate someone. He mostly wears tight clothes, matching his nen. Green seems to be his favorite colour in clothing.

In comparison to my tall brother, I am only 160 centimetres tall, though I have the same slender figure. I have the same long, black hair. Only mine curls a bit. Just as his, also my eyes are black, though the big eyes look cute on me. Perhaps this is an advantage of being a girl. Our skins are equally pale, I think it makes us seem ill at times. I have a manipulation type of nen. I can manipulate any type of liquid, which gives me a huge advantage when assassinating someone. Blood is, after all, also a liquid. Though, controlling blood does take a lot of energy. I mostly remain calm but I have higher standards than my brother, he sometimes calls me arrogant for it. Furthermore I mostly wear baggy clothes, weapons hidden beneath. I feel safe knowing that there are always weapons close.

"Ilura, we should go. We will be late of we don't," my brother notifies me.

"I understand. I was just thinking if I had everything that I need to take with me," I reply.

"If you have not, you can't go back in now. We need to leave."

I nod at his comment and we start walking off.

"What do you expect of the Hunter exam?" I ask Illumi.

"It is supposed to be the hardest exam. I expect at least a bit of a challenge," he answers.

"You still expect a challenge? How much Hunters have we brought down by now? We are the infamous Zoldyck family and so the exam should be easy," I reply with a smirk.

"Talking about the infamous Zoldyck family. Father asked me to make sure no one recognises us. He doesn't want Killua fleeing before we can send him back home. It would also be bad if everyone were afraid of us at the exam," Illumi tells me.

"You're saying I need to let you stab me with those needles so I can take on the appearance of someone else?" I ask him. He knows I have a huge hate towards his needles. I do not like needles in general and changing my appearance even less.

"Father said so."

I sigh, knowing that if I deny, I have a way bigger problem. "Fine, just get on with it."

Illumi takes out his needles and decides to first change his own appearance. Carefully he places the needles in his skin, everywhere on his body. His body starts changing with every needle that touches his skin and in the end he is unrecognisable.

He isn't the slender boy anymore but looks way more mascular. His hair has been reduced to a purplish deathhawk on the middle of his head, the rest is bald. His head also has a different shape. The normal slender and subtle lines have turned into very sharp lines and a big jaw. He looks as if he could be in a gang. There seem to be yellowish pins stuck into his face where the needles are. I must admit, it looks kinda cool.

"Your turn, any preferences?" he asks.

"Make the needles invisible and don't change my height, please."

He takes out another pair of needles and carefully starts placing them into my skin. They seem to disappear the moment they touch my skin.

Slowly I start to change and when I am finished, Illumi reaches me a mirror.

The first thing which notices me is the change in my hair colour, it is bright pink. It is slightly shorter than my normal hair, reaching until halfway my back. My eyes have gotten a bright blue colour and my skin isn't as pale anymore. I have also gotten less slender but not as mascular as Illumi. I guess you could call it an average female figure. My eyes still have the same size but a different shape... Them seem more square like and there are glasses covering them. As soon as I take off my glasses, everything gets blurry.

"How do I get the needles out now I don't see them?" I ask Illumi.

"Just ask me and I will remove them, don't worry. We should get going before it gets dark. We do not wish to be late," he answers.

I nod at his remark and so we start our journey towards the Hunter Exam.

Hey there, fellow Hunter X Hunter fans!
So I started another Kurapika fanfic but this time it is a Kurapika X OC and no Kurapika X reader.
The first two/three chapters will be an introduction which doesn't portray Kurapika as much so I hope you'll have patience with this. There is a lot to introduce after all!
I hope you'll enjoy my story!

Your fellow otaku,

A killer's tale ~ Hunter x Hunter ~ Kurapika X OC {finished}Where stories live. Discover now