Chapter 06

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A/N: Hello everyone! I've started watching HxH, the 2011 version. I just wanted to let you know that I will probably mix up some things from the 1999 and 2011 version to keep it interesting. Together with my own storyline and two characters. I hope this won't make anything confusing! I'll try to make clear in which part of the story we are as good as

We have continued the exam through the forest and I notice that the man dressed like a clown, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio and some others disappear after some time. How curious I may be, my task is to follow Killua.

"Aren't you curious where they are going?" Killua asks.

"You won't make the exam being curious to everything. You make it by following the instructions of the examinator," I answer.

"I guess there's at least someone who thinks around here," Killua mentions.

I nod and we continue following the examinator. I have seen quite a few surprising things around here. I saw some people getting eaten by plants, monsters suddenly appearing and snatching people away. I also saw a claw of a wolf-like creature snatch my way, I made a knife slide down my sleeve and stabbed its wrist. It's a great reminder why I always endure the discomfort of hiding knives in my clothes.

"Myne, why did you join this exam?" Killua asks me.

"Just to get stronger, nothing more really," I answer. "What about you?"

"To get away from my family," he answers. Well, you failed.

I decide not to respond on it and drop a silence. Sometimes it's safer to keep silent.

We arrive in an open space in the forest. The examinator turns to us. "We'll wait for a few minutes for the rest, here ends the first task. Well done."

"Do you think they will still join us?" Killua asks.

It takes a second for me to realise he is talking about Gon, Leorio and Kurapika. "We will have to wait and see." I look over the group, trying to make it look as casual as possible, while I'm scanning the group for Illumi. I spot him standing alone, distancing himself from the group. I'm not surprised, neither was I scared he wouldn't make it. I was curious if he was one of the people who went with the clown-like guy. 

"Hey Killua, Myne!" I suddenly hear.

I turn around to see Mandy, she has taken quite the cheery attitude. It's not the attitude I am used to, from the few times we met. She is followed by Kurapika and Gon.

"Hey!" I say, as I wave at them. "Where did you go?"

"I saw Leorio fighting with Hisoka and decided to help him!" Gon answers.

"Well, where is the old man?" Killua asks.

"Hisoka took him back," Gon answers.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. I assume Hisoka is contestant number 44, the clown-like guy I have seen around before, since no one else would have any motives fighting them. He seems like the type to pick random fights to amuse or satisfy himself. "So you fought Hisoka, contestant number 44 if I'm correct, and you still trust him to take Leorio back? He would be the last person I trusted to help someone back."

Gon looks at me for a second before he starts scanning the group. His eyes stop and I follow his gaze to look at Hisoka. He points to his right, left for us, and as we follow his direction we can see Leorio resting against a tree. His face is swollen and I'm not entirely sure if he has passed out or not.

Gon looks up at me. "See, Leorio is okay!"

I groan slightly, damned kid thinking he can outsmart me. He doesn't care for being cautious even the slightest. Even though, it is quite impressive how he got away from Hisoka without being killed. Even I must admit, his aura is one I want to be careful around. It is pure, irrational, bloodlust. He must be something special.

"What are you spacing out for?" I look up and see Kurapika looking down at me. A hint of curiosity and worry is in his eyes.

"I was wondering how Gon got away from Hisoka," I admit honestly. "He seems quite strong."

"He said that Gon had passed his test. It's really hard to get a grip on him, he seemed to be wanting to kill everyone but in the end he let Leorio and Gon off," Kurapika answers.

"We should stay away from him. I think he could harm is quite bad," I conclude.

Kurapika nods.

Suddenly the doors in front of us open and we can walk into a small plain. There is a building at the back with it's doors closed, I believe we are not supposed to go in there. Sinks and little tables are standing everyone and on the top of the steps are sitting two people.

The first is a slim, quite small, woman. She has blue hair, tied together to point at five different directions. She wears revealing clothes and her entire image is set up to seem as if she could start cursing you any second. She's sitting down on a small bench, her legs crossed and obviously looking down on us.

Behind her is standing a man which seems to be the total opposite. He is huge, and has brown hair. He looks a bit silly and is staring at us as if we could just be his next snack. It is clear that he won't be the smartest, neither the weakest.

Judging by the many sinks, tables and ingredients, this will be a cooking task. That must mean they are gourmet Hunters.

By the time I finish diagnosing the entire situation, almost everyone has gathered in front of the two examinators. I walk over and stand at the back. I don't want to catch the attention of these examinators, especially not the first one. She seems as if she would let you fail if you possible pronounce her name wrong.

"My name is Menchi and this is Buhara," the woman introduces herself. She points at the guy behind her when she mentions the name Buhara. "We will be the examiners of the second task. This task will be about cooking."

Shoot... I was right. I can make easy things in the kitchen but I mostly make the butlers prepare my food. I never bothered learning difficult recipes, which is possibly needed with these gourmet chefs. I hope I will get through this round.

A killer's tale ~ Hunter x Hunter ~ Kurapika X OC {finished}Where stories live. Discover now