Chapter 09

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Just as I'm about to walk over to Killua, to get him to come home, a huge zeppelin lands at the site of the second task. An old man walks out and towards Menchi. "I see you have gotten back into old habits?"

Menchi seems embarassed and quickly bows down for the old man. I recognise him, my father has told me about this man. I believe he is the chairman of this exam. "I am sorry," Menchi apologises. "I let myself go when someone said something bad concerning gourmet hunters. I let my feelings get the best of me. I am not qualified to be an examiner."

We are all stunned by her sudden change of attitude. The man must have a great impact on her.

"No-no, it would be a problem to find a new examiner this quickly. Why don't you give them another task, which you'll have to participate in too? How does that sound?"

Menchi nods and bows again. "Perfect, thank you. Then let us head for the split mountain!" She walks into the zeppelin, followed by Buhara. 

The old man turns to us. "I'll introduce myself, I am Isaac Netero, the chairman of the hunter exam. If you all would be so kind to get into the zeppelin, we can continue this exam."

I was right, he is the chairman. The entire group starts moving to the zeppelin, there is some murmering about the chairman and Menchi. Some of the people are very glad while others still think Menchi treated them unfair, especially after hearing it was all about one comment.

"What do you think about the situation?" Kurapika starts walking next to me.

"She had to control her feelings, because she is an examiner. On the other hand; she did give us a second chance and admitted her mistake. I think we should first see what this new task is," I answer.

Kurapika nods. "I think so too, everyone seems to be having a prejudice about her new task now."

I nod in agreement and enter the zeppelin. "What do you think of the hunter exam so far?" I ask him.

"It's actually quite fun, meeting everyone," Kurapika answers.

"Oh, you think so too!" an annoying voice chirps from behind us.

I don't even have to turn around to know it is Mandy. I sigh and still do so. "Yes, I'm glad we got to know everyone too," I agree.

The door closes behind us and we lift off. "I'm going to find a place to get some rest," I lie, just wanting to get away from Mandy. "See you later!"

"See you!" Mandy chirps, it's going to make me throw up.

"See you," Kurapika says, on a much more gentler tone.

I walk off into the hallways and see Hisoka and Illumi talking there.

"Hey," I greet them.

They look up. Illumi greets me back with a short "hey" and Illumi seems to take me up from top to bottom.

"Could we get into a room and take out the needles? It isn't really comfortable," I ask Illumi.

He nodds and starts walking. Hisoka and me follow him. We walk into a two-person sleeping room and lock the door. Illumi first takes out his own needles before walking over to me and pullling the needles out of my head. I sigh in relieve as I look into the mirror. "Being Myne is tiring," I whine.

"Illura, you know you can't drop it," Illumi tells me.

"I know, I know. Doesn't change the fact that it's tiring. Having to be cheery and pleasing people." I lay down on one of the beds. "I'm better off as an assassin than a friend."

"You seem to get along with the blonde guy. Kurapika, am I right?" Illumi remarks.

"He's okay. He's not as hyped as the rest. Mandy is annoying the shit out of me, though."

"Yes, I noticed her too," Illumi says. "Stay on guard. She won't recognise you but, just as us, she must have a purpose here."

I nod. "Can we stay the night here? I'd love to sleep without those needles taunting me."

"Alright, but we'll get up early, place the needles again and get out before anyone notices," Illumi says.

"I guess I'll stay too," Hisoka says.

"It's a two-person room," I comment. I don't want to stay in the same room as that man any longer than needed.

"Who's gonna share the bed?" Hisoka says, a smirk on his face.

"Not me," Illumi says, even before Hisoka has finished talking.

"I'm not sharing a bed either," I tell them.

"I was first, good luck," Illumi lays down on the other bed and turns his back to us.

I look at Hisoka and take a magazine from the nightstand. I rip a piece of paper from it and lay it in the middle of the bed. "The line, don't cross it." I lay on my side, turning away from the two men. 

The bed bends and I can hear the paper rip apart. Damnit, why won't he just listen?! I can hear him shifting around, until suddenly a hand is resting on my waist. I clear my throat as a sign for him to let go, but he apparently doesn't get it so I decide to be more clear. "Take your hand back."

"Or what~? What are you going to do, little kitty?"

Alright. That's it. Calling me a little kitty has crossed the border. I turn around and kick his stomach, making him fly out of the bed. I sit up and glare down at him. "Sharing a bed is doable but touching and giving me pet names goes too far. Know the border," I warn him. "I won't give you another warning." I make a dagger slide out of my sleeve, just far enough for him to see.

He just smirks and gets out his cards. "Are we going to have a fight, little kitty?" he provokes.

"Not if you accept my borders," I answer.

"You don't want a physical fight with him," Illumi warns me.

"And why not?" I sneer at my brother. There are just a few who are stronger than me.

"Allow me to explain," Hisoka starts off. He turns around and takes off his shirt. Before I can protest, a mark on his back shuts me up. He's from the Phantom Troupe, a notorious group of bandits. He might be one of the few who are stronger than me. "So I'll believe it's you who should respect borders here, little kitty. And kicking me out of the bed crosses that, though I'll give you a second chance."

I scoff and lay back down. I can feel the matress sink as also Hisoka lays down and goes back to laying in his previous position. I cringe as I feel his hand on my body but I do not resist. The one group my father always warned me about, and he must be a part of it. 

A killer's tale ~ Hunter x Hunter ~ Kurapika X OC {finished}Where stories live. Discover now