Yandere!Zamasu x Mai's Sister!Reader

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A/N: This is a request from @MochiMizuki. Enjoy!


" Sister! I have the bandages!" I said as I was bringing the bandages over to my older sister Mai.
" Thanks Y/N." She said. I'm the younger sister of Mai and a fellow soldier in the resistance. My sister is more on the field while I help out the wounded in the base. Today they had a run in with Black and Zamasu. Trunks was badly injured but thankfully he was brought back in time. We are currently trying to heal him up. 

" We're out of pain killers dammit." She said. " Don't worry. I'll go topside and look for some." I said. " Y/N. It's too dangerous. I promised our parents that I'd look after you when they died. I can't have you go out there." She said. " I'll be fine. There's an old pharmacy about two miles away. I'll be fine. Just trust me." I said.

Mai looked at me with a worried expression but sighed. " Fine. But make it quick. I don't know when Black and Zamasu will attack again." She said. " I'll be fine." I said. I then exited the base and ran off to find the pain killers.

Zamasu's POV

" Dammit! I can't believe they got away!" I said as I punched a wall. " Calm down counterpart. We'll get them next time." Black said. We just came back from another killing spree. We were so close to killing Trunks, but that she-devil Mai got in our way again. " Our purge would be so much easier if those mortals was out of the way!" I said.

" Like I said, we'll get them next time. You just need to b patient." He said. I growled in annoyance. " I'm going to start on the tea. You should go out for a fly and  clear your head." He said. He walked into the kitchen and started preparing the tea. I decided to take his advice and go for a fly. 

I flew around the ruined city and tried clearing my head. " Ugh. These mortals are such pest. I can't wait to exterminate them all." I said. I then felt a faint energy below me. I decided to follow it. It led me to an old pharmacy. I quietly flew down and started to look around. I then spotted a young, female mortal rummaging around in the rubble.

She had H/l H/C hair and E/C eyes. She wore a ripped white t-shirt with ripped leggings. She was collecting pan killers from the rubble. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to kill her. She just looked so beautiful that I couldn't kill her. I think I may be in love.


" There. That should be enough of pain killers." I said as I stuffed them into my bag. " I should be getting back now. Mai must be worried about me." I said. I then heard some rubble shift and saw some rocks fall to the ground. " Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked. No answer. I then heard some more rubble shift behind me. " I know you're there. Show yourself." I said as I began backing away.

But I was stopped when I hit something. Or should I say, someone. A pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a warm chest. " What is a beautiful mortal like yourself doing out here alone?" The person said. I looked up to see Zamasu. I wave of fear washed over me. " Heh heh. Don't you know that it's dangerous out here by yourself?" He asked. 

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I tried getting out of his grip. But the more I struggled, the tighter his grip became. " Let me go." I said. " But why? Don't you like the comfort of your new mate?" He said. He then bit my ear which caused me to whimper. The blood started running down my neck. " Please...Let me go." I said.

" You look so beautiful with blood running down your neck." He said. He then proceeded to lick the blood off of my neck. I let out a soft moan. I wasn't used to this kind of behavior. He then stopped and looked away. " I'm sorry. But I have to get going. I promise I'll see you again." He said. He then bit my neck. " Until then, don't let anyone pleasure you in the ways I just did. You're mine." I said. He then flew off in the direction that he was looking in. 

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