Zamasu x Child!Reader

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A/N: This is a request from Kimiii000. Enjoy!

Y/N's POV's

I was walking through what used to be my home. I never had any parents. They died when I was a baby. So I've been raised in an orphanage. But everyone at the orphanage was killed. I don't know by who. I was out and then when I came back, the orphanage was in shambles.

So I'm trying to find some place to call home. I tripped over the rubble and cut my arm on a piece of metal. I started crying but I kept walking. I started growing hungry and tired. To my surprise, I managed to walk into the forest.

I didn't want to go back to the city, so I kept walking. It started to rain. I got cold. " I want to sleep." I thought. I then smelt the sweet aroma of cakes. I followed the smell to a little cabin. The door was unlocked so I went in.

Being the curious six year old that I am, I searched the cabin. There was a fire in the hearth. It felt nice. It looked like someone was living here. " Hello?" I said. No reply. " They must not be home." I thought. Just then, I spotted some tea and cakes on the counter.

My stomach growled. So I decided to indulge in the sweets. They were so good. The tea was also sweet. But there was an off putting taste. But I didn't care. It was the first non-bread thing I've ever tasted. I ended up falling asleep after eating.

Zamasu's POV

I came back home to discover that the door to the cabin was opened. I was out killing mortals all day. I love hearing them scream. But onto more important matters, someone or something was in my house. I could take them of course but still. I walked in slowly. I didn't want it to be resistance fighters.

I scanned the house and sensed a faint energy in the kitchen. I went in to find a mortal child, asleep, at my counter. He/She had been eating my cakes and drinking my tea. I wanted to kill the child, but something prevented me from doing so.

I checked the mortal's pulse. They were still alive. I picked up the child and put them on my bed. I tended to his/her wounds. The cut was deep but not infected. There clothes were all torn so I decided to change them. Afterwards, I put them to bed to rest. " Why am I helping a mortal? Is it because this one is just a child.?" I thought. I pondered the idea as a made some more tea.


I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes. " Where am I? And why does the ground feel soft?" I asked myself. I looked down. I wasn't on the ground I was in a bed. A real bed. I felt the bed and the blankets. They were soft. My outfit was different as well. It was a black t-shirt and shorts. They felt comfy.

I walked outside of the room that I was in. I followed the smell of sweets to the kitchen. I saw a green man cooking some. " Hi." I said. I ran over to him. He looked down at me. " I'm Y/N. What's your name?" I asked. I smiled.

Zamasu's POV

" Get away from me." I said. I pushed the child away with my foot. But they kept coming back. The child hugged my leg. " Thank you for saving me, mister." They said. " Get off me mortal." I said. I kicked them away. But they came back again. I sighed and went to the counter. The child joined me. They kept staring at me.

I tossed them a cake and they gobbled it up. I laughed a bit. " Zamasu." I said. " What?" Y/N questioned. " You asked me my name. It's Zamasu." I said. " Nice too meet you." Y/N said. He/She smiled. I smiled back. This mortal was intriguing. " Do you live here alone?" He/She asked. I nodded. " Do you get lonely?" They asked. I nodded.

" Sometimes." I said. " I'm lonely too. I was raised in an orphanage since my parents died when I was a baby." Y/N said. For some reason, I pitied the child. " Was the orphanage fun?" I asked.        " No. Our caretaker would punish us for no reason. One day I was out.  And when I came back, the orphanage was destroyed. Everyone was dead." The child said.

I knew that was my doing. " Do you miss them?" I asked. " No. Everyone was cruel to me. I'm happy they're dead." The child said. An idea came to mind. I could raise this child to hate mortals like I do. " Do you want to stay here with me? I hate mortals as much as you do. I could teach you how to dispose of them." I said. 

To my surprise, the child nodded. " From this day forward, you are Y/N. My son/daughter." I said. The child came up and hugged me. " Thank you." They said. " You're welcome." I said. I hugged them back. Both of our lives would be different now.

A/N: Done. I hope you liked it Kimiii000. Request are still open.

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