Ssj4 Vegeta x Sealas' Son/Daughter?! Reader x Ssj4 Goku Pt.5

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A/N: Okay. So I do have an image for this chapter but idk if it will load. Also, this is the last part. I hope you enjoy.


Everyone was shocked. " You're Sealas' son/daughter?!" Goku said. I nodded. " That would explain your abnormal abilities." Cronoa said. " But you look nothing like him." The Dragon Ball Hero, known as Beat, said. " My mother must've been an earthling. She must've been killed when Omega Shenron attacked." I said.

" Right now Y/N's past isn't our greatest problem. Stopping his/her father is the main reason we are here." Cronoa said. We heard a blast outside. " What was that?!" The Dragon Ball Hero, known as Note, asked. " Sealas is attacking the city! We have to go!" Beat said. " Right." Trunks said. " If you don't want to come. You don't have to. I don't need you holding back on me." Vegeta said. 

" No. I'm fine. Even though he's my father, he's done some unforgivable things. And he has to pay for it." I said. Vegeta nodded. We headed outside to face my father. " I've collected enough data. It's time to remake the world with my own ideals." He said. " Not today, Sealas!" Goku said. He fired a blast at Sealas.

" You've come to stop me at my greatest moment of triumph. Very well. I will defeat you!" He said. He then fused with Ahms. His power was off the charts. " He's so strong." Goku said. " We are stopping you today, father!" I said. I powered up. We attacked him. But we got beaten quickly. He then opened up a portal and went to the Time Nest.

We followed him. " You continue to stand against me. I'll kill you all." He said. " We can do this." Trunks said. Cronoa powered up into her god of time form ( idk what the real name for this form is ). " So beautiful..." The Dragon Ball hero, known as Zen said. " This will be our final battle. If we lose, it's over." She said.

" Right. Even though we aren't in our avatar forms, we can still fight." beat said. I nodded. I powered up even more. " Woah, Y/N. That's too much power." Goku said. But I didn't care. I ended up powering up so much that I was at the same level of power with Sealas. " Outstanding Y/N." He said. " Stop flattering me with comments. The reason I'm so powerful is because of Goku, Vegeta, and my strength to stand against you. Fight me father. Fight me for control of the world." I said.

" Very well son/daughter." He said he prepped his fighting stance. " I'm joining in on this too." Someone said. I turned around to face Beat. He was powered up to Ssb. He joined me. " We have to fuse Vegeta." Goku said. " Oh no. We are not doing that!" Vegeta said. " It's the only way to beat Sealas." Goku said.

" No. I'm going to beat Sealas my-" He was cut off. " Will you two stop fighting and just fuse?!" I said. They both looked at me. " Fine." Vegeta said. Goku smiled. " Fusion-Ha!" They said. They fused into Gogeta Ssj4. " We're taking you down Sealas. Once and for all!" I said. Then we attacked.

With all of our powers combine, Sealas had a hard time deflecting us. I ended up hitting him in the chest. That made him lose his breath. Beat then kicked him in the stomach. " Big Bang Kamehameha!" Gogeta said. He fired a Big Bang Kamehameha. But even after that, Sealas was still alive. 

" Even after all we hit him with, he's still standing." Beat said. " Dammit. I will the likes of you." Sealas said. Then he started to power up. " NOW. Before he finishes powering up!" Gogeta said to us. " KA...ME...HA...ME...HA!" We all said. We blasted Sealas with a Kamehameha. He was holding it back. " You will not defeat me!" He said. " Use all of your power!" Gogeta said.

Beat and I nodded. " HAAAA!!!" We said. The blast connected. Sealas was still standing, but very weak. He vanished after a while. " I hope we can meet again." Was his final words. Goku and Vegeta unfused. They were still in Ssj4. " We did it. We won." Trunks said. I fell to my knees.            " Father..." I said. " Are you alright?" Cronoa asked me. I smiled. " Yeah. I'm fine. It's just going to take some time before I come to reason with the fact that I'm Sealas' son/daughter." I said.

We went back to the area that we first fought Sealas in. We said our goodbyes and went back home. Trunks was with us. " Well now that that's over, let's get back to our previous battle." Goku said. I punched him over the head. " We just fought the battle of our lives and you already want to go again?! No! And as punishment for stating that, no dinner for you." I said. I walked away. Vegeta and Trunks followed. " Aww k'mon. All I said was I wanted to fight again." Goku said.

A/N: Done. All credit for the original storyline goes to the creators of Dragon Ball Heroes. I hope you all liked it. Request are still opened. But this ends the Ssj4 Vegeta x Reader x Ssj4 Goku storyline. 

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