Trunks x Titan Shifter!Reader.

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A/N: This is my own idea. I had to write it before I forgot about it. This is a AOT x Dragon Ball one. I've read some AOT x different anime mashups before and wanted to try my own. So I hope you enjoy.

Trunks' POV

" Mai! Get everyone out of here!" I said. She nodded and ran off. Our base is currently being attacked by Black. He is a being who looks exactly like Goku. He arrived the year we were rebuilding from the android's attack. He looked down on us all. The next thing we knew, he started attacking us. Everyone around the world tried to take down Black.

But they all failed. I've been struggling against him for about a year. But today is going to be different. After I escape from here, I'm going to go and see my mom. She has been planning to send me back in time and get the help of my father and Goku. She finally finished her final preparations. I just need to survive this.

" You think you can stop me. Well you're wrong Trunks!" Black said. He formed a ki blade and charged at me. I whipped out my sword and countered. We began to fight. But he was quickly over powering me. " Gah!" I said. He hit my hand and my sword went flying. I then started firing energy blast. But he knocked those away.

He then kicked me and knocked me off balance. " Dammit." I said. I looked around for him. But I couldn't find him. " Where he'd go?" I asked myself. I then felt a spike of energy behind me. I turned around to see Black. " Goodbye saiyan!" He said. He formed a ki blade and attacked me. I saw a flash of light and then blacked out.


" Hyaah!" I screamed. I jumped up and cut a Titan in the back of the neck. He fell to the ground and died. " That makes 15." I said. I originally worked in for the Military Police in the Capital. But I went rogue and joined the Survey Corps after I learned that Wall Maria fell. I felt like I could be doing so much more. So that's why I quit. I was accepted right away and became one of the top fighters.

The only one above me is Captain Levi himself. I've always admired the captain as an ally and friend. But one day, I'll beat him and be the best Titan killer around. " Stop staring off into space and take down the last Titans." The Captain said. " Y-Yes sir." I said. I saluted. I then went after the other Titans. There were about 10 left. But they were all pretty powerful. " Time to kick it up a notch." I said. I then bit my hand and started to transform.

 I then bit my hand and started to transform

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I'm a Titan shifter like my friend Eren. I got my ability when the King sort of snapped. He wanted to turn his daughter into a Titan but she wouldn't accept the power. So out of rage, he used it on me. I was able to control my abilities very quickly. Now it's my trump card in a fight. I transformed and started to kill the Titans.

I was much stronger than them. They went down pretty easily after I transformed. Yes they got a couple of hits in. But I'm part Titan so i heal up pretty quickly. They were defeated in no time. I transformed back to my normal self. I then went off to meet the Levi. " Captain. All the Titans have been defeated." I said. " Good job Y/N. Now go and help with the search and rescue." Levi said.

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